Natural Solutions for every aliment "The Herbal Survivalist Spot": A Summer Salsa/Cooler Recipe that is healthy and refreshing The Herbal Survivalist Spot full of the best prepper resources and tons of free information with videos, recipes, Herbal Survival Kits, natural SURVIVAL ebook, solutions for any event of any or emergency: The Herbal Survivalist: Visit us learn and have fun and save money while caring and preparing for your loved ones.

A Summer Salsa/Cooler Recipe that is healthy and refreshing

A  Herbal Summer Salsa/Cooler Recipe that is healthy and refreshing

Fresh tomatoes are very refreshing all year long. Particularly when cool This very simple recipe is fun easy and inexpensive and packs medicinal properties as well.
You can even take this recipe and run it through a juicer or blender for a powerful cold tonic.


  • 4 fresh beaf stake tomatoes diced
  • 1/2 teaspoon of thyme powdered in a coffee grinder or herb mill as long as they are small.
  • 1/2 teaspoon of minced garlic
  • 1/2 sweet yellow onion diced
  • 4 sprigs of fresh cilantro

Directions: Add all ingredients together and mix with a pairs or clean hands or a wooden spoon.  you can  use right away but the longer it sits the better the flavors taste (this is known as a propagation period)
Note: adding a 1/2 cup of ice to this and ran through a blender makes a very refreshing Summer cooler for those night tiki parties or hot humid days as well as general barbecues.

Secondly, making this cooler during the winter months and heating it up in a saucepan makes an incredible soup bringing the summer right into the winter. also add more fresh cilantro and watch your mood changes from the gloominess of winter to a bright happy day of a new spring.

  • Tomatoes, are loaded with vitamin C
  • Thyme, has antibiotic properties and adds boldness and a fresh flavor to your salsa/ cooler.
  • Garlic, Is a powerful antibiotic but to adds a summer flavor to your salsa and cooler.
  • Onions, add a nice smooth sweetness and is has  powerful antioxidants for the respiratory system. (both nasal and bronchial)
  • Fresh Cilantro, is very good for the blood and adds a bold freshness to the overall recipe with a very slight citrusy (lemon like flavor) it also aids in balancing blood sugar levels.

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