Natural Solutions for every aliment "The Herbal Survivalist Spot": Herbal Lattes and frappes The Herbal Survivalist Spot full of the best prepper resources and tons of free information with videos, recipes, Herbal Survival Kits, natural SURVIVAL ebook, solutions for any event of any or emergency: The Herbal Survivalist: Visit us learn and have fun and save money while caring and preparing for your loved ones.

Herbal Lattes and frappes

Herbal Lattes'

Herbal Lattes are refreshing and relaxing they are also healthy they can also be made with soy milk. the cream line herbal lattes are very tasteful and nutrition various herbs simmered in milk for 3-4 minutes can not only be relaxing but very aromatic thus relieving stress and aiding in a powerful way insomnia. They are also Great Cold for a Summer Mid day or evening snack or Pick me upper.

The overall combinations of the aroma of the herbs and the taste set a new environment for the central nervous system particularly using NERVINE Type herbs.  and the best part they are CAFINE FREE…

AI have listed a few good lattes and their recipes few of my Herbal Lattes I use Regularly.

Also Note these can be iced as well and even turned into a frappe 

God Bless,

Also Note Honey is optional.

1. Vanilla Bean/ Lavender: A great favorable Relaxing drink that will help you sleep like a baby and get a GOOD night sleep as well.
10 ounces of Milk cream line preferred or Organic Soy
1 split vanilla bean
1 teaspoon of lavender flowers
1/2 teaspoon of RAW Wild flower honey

add all ingredients except honey
Simmer 3-4 minutes  then strain
add honey  and enjoy

2. Chamomile: Another relaxing and earthly drink to bust up a days stressfulness this drink will calm your nerves and if you add  3-4 drops of an non alcoholic lemon balm tincture this will not on relax your nerves but repair them as well.

10 ounces of Milk cream line preferred or Organic Soy
1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers
1/2 teaspoon of RAW Wild flower honey
4 drops of non alcoholic tincture of Lemon balm (ORGANIC) optional

add all ingredients except honey
Simmer 3-4 minutes  then strain
add honey and optional tincture and enjoy

3. Ginger: This is a Zinger of a latte this will calmly pick you up and kickstart you day and or help you get through the rest of the day. with a smile.

10 ounces of Milk cream line preferred or Organic Soy
1/2 split vanilla bean
1/2 teaspoon of Ginger powder
1/2 teaspoon of RAW Wild flower honey

add all ingredients except honey
Simmer 3-4 minutes  then strain
add honey  and enjoy

4. Orange/ Ginger: Another Zinger of a Latte but with a twist of citrus flavor that will keep you going and happy as well. The Robustness of the Orange peal will also stimulate the central nervous system with a calmness but with the ginger will slowly and in a refreshing manor Keep you going and ALL without caffeine and additives.

10 ounces of Milk cream line preferred or Organic Soy
1/2 teaspoon of orange peel dried or fresh
1 teaspoon of Ginger Powder
1/2 teaspoon of RAW Wild flower honey

add all ingredients except honey
Simmer 3-4 minutes  then strain
add honey  and enjoy

5. Orange Lavender: Another great earthly and refreshing relaxer
This latte will get you in calm mode and the essential oils from the orange peel will keep your central nervous system balanced this specifically is a great mid day buster will break up the stress and rejuvenated you to continue the day a happy camper and with a smile while your toes wiggle…

10 ounces of Milk cream line preferred or Organic Soy
1 teaspoon of dried or fresh orange peel
1/2 teaspoon of lavender flowers
1/2 teaspoon of RAW Wild flower honey

add all ingredients except honey
Simmer 3-4 minutes  then strain
add honey  and enjoy

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