Natural Solutions for every aliment "The Herbal Survivalist Spot": A very Healthy and Fun Juice Recipe The Herbal Survivalist Spot full of the best prepper resources and tons of free information with videos, recipes, Herbal Survival Kits, natural SURVIVAL ebook, solutions for any event of any or emergency: The Herbal Survivalist: Visit us learn and have fun and save money while caring and preparing for your loved ones.

A very Healthy and Fun Juice Recipe

This Juice recipe is very tasty and healthy. Carrots will help provide Beta Carotene which is good for the Eyes. Carrots are also Good for revitalizing the liver. Also Carrots provide vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium.  adding Carrots to a Dairy Blend will also provide true protein. Pure Carrot juice is extremely low in calories and is also good for dieters. other benefits are the following:
1. will help keep your blood pressure and  under control
2. will help reduce  cholesterol,blood clots and heart disease
3. will help reduce the risk of cancers
And Much More!!!

4 Carrots
1 Mango
2 apples
1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger root.

Adding 1/2 teaspoon of pure Bee Pollen alone will additionally provide a true full spectrum of B vitamins which is good for the Central Nervous System.
Because Carros taste surpriseingly sweet due to their high concentrate of natural sugar people with diabetes should drink carefully. 

2. Adding 3-5 drops of a glycerin based tincture (marshmallow root, dandelion,licorice root will detox and help repair and heal your lower organs; Liver, Gaul Bladder, Kidney) either one or all.

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