Natural Solutions for every aliment "The Herbal Survivalist Spot": The Power of Herbs for Preppers Series "Plantain" The Herbal Survivalist Spot full of the best prepper resources and tons of free information with videos, recipes, Herbal Survival Kits, natural SURVIVAL ebook, solutions for any event of any or emergency: The Herbal Survivalist: Visit us learn and have fun and save money while caring and preparing for your loved ones.

The Power of Herbs for Preppers Series "Plantain"

The power of herbs for Preppers Series “Plantain”

SURVIVAL PROPERTIES, (2) Fresh leaves you can rub directly on bug bites and will even act as a clotting agent in the case of a laceration. use torn fresh clean leaves free of chemical pesticides.

If you live in North America those weeds you might have been trying to get rid of possess great medicinal properties for example the juices of plantain are antibacterial. This herb is also good for cuts bruises, bug bites and will even act as a clotting agent in the case of a laceration.

A hand full of Fresh Plantain leaves broken to get the juices flowing from the leaves will help stop the bleeding of a laceration. It will also begin the healing process from bug bites. Plantain is also used commonly with comfrey leaf which in addition to possess allantoin, an natural anti inflammatory phytochemical that speeds wound healing and stimulates new skin growth. Plantain also helps give the immune system a lift.
A Few Good uses of this herb are as follows: 

  • Bug Bites
  • Bronchitus
  • eczema
  • sore throat
  • reparatory problems
  • to help stop bleeding 
  • wound inflammation
  • minor cuts


Tincture:1/2 to 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
Dried seeds: 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day in warm filtered water
Liquid extract: 1/2 to 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
Fresh leaves: you can rub directly on bug bites and will even act as a clotting agent in the case of a laceration. Use torn fresh clean leaves free of chemical pesticides.
Tea: 6 ounces twice daily
Taking extremely large dosages may induce diarrhea or lower blood pressure. some 
People with sensitive skin may experience a rash or another allergic reaction. if you are allergic to psyllium, you may be allergic to plantain.

Plantain Tea/Tonic Recipe

You will need:

  • Dried cut and sifted plantain leaves
  • Tea ball or infuser
  •  Non Aluminum  cup 
  • Place 1 teaspoon of herb in a tea ball or infuser. in cup
  • Pour  6 ounces boiling water over it 
  • Let steep for 5 minutes

Take twice daily

Note: For a bug or eczema wash let tea cool then wash effected area(s)

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