- Herbs for Tuberculosis
- Herbs for pneumonia
- Antiviral herbs
- The Power of Slippery Elm Bark
- 3 Superfoofds that will help you get through a food Shortage
- The vitality of Personal hygiene during an economic collapse
Your Herbal survival kit is a great asset to your Preparedness plan.
We will disuse the uses of each component in detail in each segment to its applied topic with other relational information.
Why are my essential oils Pre-Diluted?
Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection that effects primarily the lungs but can also effect the kidneys, gaul bladder and upper and lower intestines.
Treatment(s) when initially diagnosed it is vital to get a constant and good supply of oxogen to the blood the best way is exercise particularly walking uphills.
Defeating the bacterial infection(s)
Secondly, a antibacterial is needed for the bacterial infection(s) Echinacea is one great choice for this along and or in conjunction with cayenne pepper.
in the case of a bacterial infection with traces of a viral infection and or parasitical cause Clove oil is used to kill and parasites and or lava. If fever is present a diaphoretic is needed ( a herb that openness the pores system by inducing sweating followed by a hot shower than an immediate cold shower to seal the pores to stop any toxins from reentering the body through the pores and re infecting the system(s)
To detox the kidneys and lower abdominal organs ( but not limited to) use dandelion root not only will it detox your Lungs and organs of toxins, but will also purify the blood.
including the muscular skeletal system.
What Kit herbs can be used to treat it and successfully?
(t)= tincture (eo)= Pre-diluted Essential oil
- (t)Dandelion Root: Detox
- (t)Echinacea ROOT: ( your kit uses the best organic echinacea root available) for its powerful antibacterial properties
- (t)Cayenne for antiviral, bacterial, and diaphoretic properties
- (eo)Clove oil for its powerful anti- viral and anesthetic properties
- (eo)Oil of oregano
- (t)White Willow Bark. for pain management and aiding in fever reduction
- (t)Slippery elm bark for nutritional replenishment
Thieves oil in a one quart sprayer bottle filled with distilled water add 5 drops of thieves oil, shake well and spray your living enclosed areas thoroughly starting from the highest point (ceiling). 3 -5 times a day you can also take pre diluted thieves oil internally one drop in a cup of tea or warm water daily or place it on an external infection or skin as a protectant shield do not overuse or use on children.
A kit variant of Thieves Oil are as follows:
Clove Oil: 5 drops; anti viralEucalyptus Oil: 2 drops; anti microbial, anti viral, anti fungal, anti bacterial
Oregano Oil: 5 drops anti viral anti bacterial
Peppermint Oil: 3 drops antiseptic, anti bacterial and anti viral
Mix this formula in a separate small babyhood jar or small gall jar and let sit for 24 hrs.
True Thieves Oil
Also includes: CinnamonRosemary, Lemon essential oils. You can make this on your own by watching the essential oil making video here.
Dandelion root tincture: 1 dropperful 2 times daily.
Echinacea tincture: 1 dropper full once daily of 10 days then off for 2 days then back on for 10 days for a period of 30 days.
Willow Bark tincture: 1 dropper flu in a 6 ounce glass of warm water 2-3 times daily.
Oil of Oregano: one drop in a glass of 10 ounces of warm water daily
Clove oil: 1 drop in a glass of 10 ounces of warm water daily
Other herbs that can be used to effectively treat tuberculosis:
- Yarrow root: diaphoretic properties helps relieve fevers related to both internal and or bacterial infection(s)
- Golden seal root: for its powerful antiseptic properties
- Cinnamon: for its antiseptic properties
- Ginger Root: antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Garlic: antibacterial/anti viral properties
- ***Thieves oil: This powerful essential oil defeated the Black Plague. it powerful antiseptic,antibacterial and antiviral properties will obliviate ANY airborne disease.Bacterial or Viral, natural or manmade!!!
- Licorice Root: used as a powerful healing herb for the internal organs after a detox (dandelion or burdock root)
- Thyme tea for its anti bacterial anti viral properties
- Burdock Root: for its powerful blood purification/detox properties
- Bee Pollen: for Nutritional Support and supplementation's of vitamins and minerals
2. do not use echinacea if you have an autoimmune disorder
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