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Disinfecting with herbs

Disinfecting with herbs

Seems like a lot of people nowadays prefer to limit the usage of chemical and toxic products in their household and dedicate their time to the preparation of homemade solutions and blends which are safer and more beneficial for the health. Once you try this method, you certainly will never want to go back to the dangerous products offered in the shops which on top of everything else always leave the smell of chemicals. The special powers of the herbs are well-known from ancient times, so why do we have to endanger our health by using toxic and expensive products? Substituting your cleaning supplies and other products with natural ones is the best thing you can do for yourself and for your family.

Whether you want to disinfect a wound, the food that you eat or the different premises of your real estate property, you can depend on the strong effect of the herbs. In order to use them properly, however, you need to learn more about the different kinds of herbs out there. This is the only way you will know which one will be best to use in case your kid has a wound and which will be most effective for the cleaning of your kitchen, for instance. Here are some useful recipes and ideas on how to use various herbs for excellent disinfection.

·      Natural DIY cleaner – The cleaning of the home is definitely one of the most tedious tasks. Usually, you can find in the shops various disinfecting products which claim to be most effective against the grime which collects at home. They might be useful for certain task but what happens when you have to disinfect your kitchen appliances which you use for cooking every day? For them, for the countertop, the cabinets and all other delicate areas you can prepare your own herbal cleaner which you can use for all purposes. You need white vinegar and several dried herbs, including sage, lavender, rosemary and thyme. Put 4 tbls of each herb in a clean jar, along with 2 tbls of white vinegar and then leave the jar in a dark and warm place for a month. You can later use the special blend for the disinfection of every surface and object in your home.

·      Popular wound healers – The honey is definitely the best wound healer. When combined with various herbal oils, it becomes very effective for treating different kinds of wounds. It is not necessary to prepare the oils yourself because a lot of specialised shops offer them in exchange for affordable prices. If you want to disinfect a wound and make it heal faster, then you can use speedwell and plantain. Both of those herbs are popular with the excellent effect they have on burns and cuts because they stimulate the growth of new skin and kill all the bacteria. The chickweed can be also used for wounds and burns disinfection, as well as for different skin irritations and dryness of the skin. The yarrow will help immediately with the nosebleed and the calendula will help with the sensitive skin.

·      Cleaning the food – Disinfecting your food won't be a problem, if you depend on the powerful qualities of the herbs. Whether you use store-bought antibacterial products prepared from the herbs we mentioned before or prefer to make some blends yourself at home, you can be sure that all dangerous bacteria will be removed from the food thoroughly before you eat it.

You can rely on the excellent qualities of the herbs which will guarantee the successful disinfection of everything in your real estate property. Even the wounds, the cuts and the burns will heal faster when they are treated with the special herbs.

This article is contributed by  

HouseCleaners Tottenham

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