
Natural Superfood's that will sustain you through a food shortage

Natural Superfood’s that will sustain you during a food shortage

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Natural Superfood’s are natural resources from nature were large amounts of nutrients are present. e.g. Bee Pollen, this supper food is loaded with vitamins and minerals particularly B Complex vitamins. It is the only supper food were a person can receive a full spectrum of PURE B vitamins without the need for any synthesization. everything is so pure due to the cross pollination patterns bees utilize in collecting be pollen and nectars. Chlorella this powerhouse also provides vital at elements of nutrition as well as Spirulina, and Slippery Elm Bark. also the natural starch from a raw cattail root will provide a safe level of natural energy.

Bee Pollen as a Food for Survival

Be pollen has many nutrients it is highly beneficial with a full spectrum of B vitamins, Minerals,proteins, free amino acids, hormones and trace elements. And they are true vitamins individually and collectively.  This is because there is no need of synthesization to produce a new b vitamins. This again is to to the cross pollination and how the bees collect their pollen. Its main ingredients consist of 21 percent protein, 48 percent Carbohydrates,10 percent fatty acids, 3 percent ash, 14 percent fiber.

The B vitamin spectrum especially B6, niacin, B12, B9, and B15 are all vital supplements for the central nervous system which in turn supports all the other main systems. 

A few of the b vitamins found in bee pollen are; Thiamine(vitamin B1) , Riboflavin(B2), Pyridoxine(vitamin B6), Nicotinic Acid(Nicotinamide), Pantothenic Acid(part of B complex) Ascorbic Acid(vitamin C) ,
Retinol(vitamin A), Tocopherol(vitamin E)
All the nutrient however effect the entire body and especially in the production of natural energy (this requires a constant level of B12 to be maintained during an energy cycle). 

No other food on earth offers such a broad spectrum of nutrition  and naturally, Bee pollen is not only a good food source but a medicine. Domestic and Raw bee pollen is the best and must be refrigerated. 

Bee Pollen Medicinally helps maintain a strong immune system and will aid in helping strengthen a weak one. 

Bee Pollen Tonic Recipe:
6 ounces of warm filtered water( not hot)
1/8 teaspoon of Raw domestic bee pollen
Mix very well drink down and any leftover granolas swallow whole chased down with a little warm filtered water. 

Note Do not give bee products to infants or young children or if you are allergic to bee products if you are in doubt check with a  traditional MD.

Slippery Elm Bark:

General Health Benefits and Nutrients: 
Slippery Elm Bark can actually sustain life for a period of time since it is high in many essential nutrients: 
 Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Iron, Selenium, Iodine, Copper, Zinc, Phosphorus, Bromine, 
Manganese, and Vitamins E, F, K, and P

Slippery Elm Gruel Recipe:

10 ounces of warm water
2 tablespoons of slippery elm bark powder mix well and drink it down it will be a bit thick and soupy but can  sustain you indefinitely take daily as needed like meals. with a clean water supply. and is safe enough to give to an infant!!! if you are taking other herbs or medicines wait 2 hours before or after you have taken the herbs or medicine. because slippery elm bark(due to its very high absorption rate may effect the absorption of certain medications.

NOTE: This will sustain you nutritionally if you feel psychologically hungry eat some fruit or berries or nuts if you can Cashews are great for this.

Chlorella  is an emerald green, single-celled freshwater algae that grows naturally in lakes and ponds. One of the best super foods, chlorella is packed with nearly ten times the healthy chlorophyll of similar greens like wheat grass, barley and alfalfa. In fact, chlorella’s name comes from its high amount of chlorophyll, an important nutrient for cleansing your body.

Spirulina: This superfood pack a powerhouse level of protein and is said could potentially end world hunger. Secondly, it also is a power booster for the immune system thus maintaining a healthy immune system so that the nutrients of this superfood nourishes all the main systems.

Other Vital Herbs to make sure You have:

1. Garlic: is a powerful anti-viral and antibiotic 2 clove of frsh garlic in a 1/4 cup of olive oil in the microwave for 40 seconds once cooled to warm place 2-3 drops in ear for ear ache.
2. Thyme: a very powerful antibiotic with antiseptic properties makes a good mouth rinse or gargle( cooled tea)
3. Oregano: a powerhouse of a antibiotic
Tea Balls: You will need these to make teas
Anise seeds: will bring up severe congestion from bronchitis and or phnumonia.
Chamomile: a great relaxant also a nerve to help calm stress or nervousness
Echinacea: Root will help keep the immune system strong
Elderberry: great for Cold, Flu, Bronchitis, pneumonia.
Ground Cloves: a natural antistatic (great for tooth ache pain) or good for cold flu.
Organic Raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar: an overall good health and wellness tonic also 4 ounces of this strait will dissolve Gaul and kindness stones very fast.
Raw wildflower honey: full of nutrients and vitamins especially B vitamins  also due to its anti-septic properties is great for burns topically.

For Emergencies:

1.  Activated Charcoal to detox the entire system of all chemicals including medications be careful with this.
2.  Dandelion Root and or greens a powerful blood purifier
3.  Burdock Root Another Good Blood purifier

4. Licorice Root once system is detoxed of toxins Licorice root will begin to heal the organ walls and is good for congestion and to  to bring up  phlegm

The Power of Essential Oils for Prepper Series ”Neuropathy”

The Power of Essential Oils  for Prepper Series   ”Neuropathy”

Neuropathy is a pain  commonly related to diabetes but also neuropathy is damage to peripheral nerves (other than spinal or those in the brain. But also with poor blood circulation particularly to nerve endings.  A lack of circulation to the nerve also means poor oxygenation of the nerves. Proper oxogen and blood levels help maintain healthy nerves overall. Nerves that are poor in health or are stressed by effects of other main systems cause an irregularity in nerve sensation(s) and nerves become overstimulated , causing a pain, burning, arthritic like pain or even swelling effect in more severe cases and also can be localized to case an even more pain like effect. this is particularly during to poor blood circulation.
This all can be caused from a B12 deficiency, tumors, to many pain killers(overload, exposure and absorption of metals or pesticides.

The first step in Neurophaty recovery is to induce a localized stimulation of blood circulation to the specific area mainly topically through a stimulating process. This will help reduce and or completely eliminate any localized inflammation(s) particularly that of which is decrease or cutting off any blood circulate(s)

A few good natural examples to help stimulate the blood would be:

  • Peppermint essential Oil: Analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory,known to be helpful in numbness and “ pins and needle “ effects. this oil helps nourish the nerves and nerve endings
  • Lavender Essential Oil: (NERVINE) antidepressant,adaptogenic,sedative , anti-inflammatory.
  • Cypress Essential Oil: antispasmodic, vasoconstrictor, sedative
  • Clove Bud Essential Oil: anestetic
  • Cayenne Simulates blood circulation and clears potentially clogged or partially clogged veins, antispasmodic,rub or salve (non petroleum based type e.g. beeswax salve)
  • Lemongrass: anageslic,antidepressant, sedative anti-inflammatory, 


Taking a Bath with 4 drops of peppermint, 3 drops of cypress, and lavender mixed with 1 oz. of jojoba oil. all mixed together firstly, then added to a tub of warm water

OIL RUB: Pepermint , Clove, lemongrass Rub take 4 ounces of jojoba oil add 1 drop of each oil and shake well rub on effected area keeping hands away from eyes at all times.

The power of Essential Oils for Preppers Series "Air Purification"

The power of Essential Oils for Preppers Series 
“ Air Purification”

Lemon essential oil is a powerful air purifier. and healthy for the respiratory system and immune system. Lime essential oil is another good oil that also blends well with lemon essential oil and adds a boost of  mild and gentle freshness to the blend.
Adding a fews drops of this blend to a quart sprayer with a fine mist( like a plant mister) can be used to revitalized old dusty and musty areas.

Essential Oil Recipe

You will need:

  • Lemon Essential Oil
  • Lime Essential Oil
  • 32 oz. of distilled water
  • 1 teaspoon of vodka.
  • Sprayer Mister


Add 4 drops of pure lemon essential oil
Add 3 drops of pure Lime essential Oil
Add 1 teaspoon of 80 proof  food grade alcohol e.g. vodka. ( this will act as a preservative.
Mix with stirer or chop stick
add distilled water and shake well before each use:
Usage: Use as needed.

Note; using the same directions but replacing all oils with thieves oils can be used as ale a natural but powerful disinfectant for overall house cleaning and particularly during an illness. Thieves oil is so powerful it will kill even mold.

Other Refreshing oils to replace Lemon and Lime are but not limited to:

  • Lavender
  • Cedar wood Atlas
  • Clove
  • Lemongrass
  • Peppermint
  • Bergmont
  • Pine
  • Sage ( do not use if you have Epilepsy)
  • Cinnamon ( use only 1 drop this oil is powerful)
  • Tea Tree 
  • Thyme

However, when using thieves oil do not use around children or infants.

The power of Essential Oils for Preppers Series "defeating Lice"

The power of Essential Oils for Preppers Series 
“Treating Lice”

Head ad body lice is a sign of lack of personal hygiene these bugs are of the parasitic family and do cause internal infections that can lead to high fever and comma. 

A few good essential oils for this issue are:

  • Tea Tree Essential oil a natural antiseptic and repellent 
  • Clove Essential oil powerful parasitic cleanser and will kill ANY larva
  • Peppermint Essential Oil a natural and VERY strong repellent able to penetrate deep throughout the hair
  • Lavender Essential Oil. a natural and powerful repellent and deterrent 
  • Lemon a natural and powerful repellent

Therapeutic Grade Essential oil Dilution Ratio: 2 -5 percent


Diluted and applied by a comb or hairbrush throughout the hair and scalp.

Herbal Hair washes:

Instructions make a herbal tea by bringing 12 ounces of clean water to a hard boil, Add 2 tablespoons of herbs from below list bring to a low simmer for 30 minutes for a minimum let cool and rinse hair well 3 times daily. for more severe case add 1/2 teaspoon of Clove to the tea. This will kill any larva as well.
Thyme Tea Wash:
Lavender Tea Wash
Tea Tree Wash
Pure Lemon Juice/concentrate wash  natural repellent  add 1/8 cup to existing tea after cool.

Hyssop Tea for Body lice

Natural Solutions for MALARIA

The power of herbs with the Herbal Survival Kit Series
If you do not have the Herbal Survival Kit click here to get one

Malaria symptoms typically are fever and headache.

Image By Wiki

Malaria  A is a parasitic bacterial infection.  these parasites, introduced by  infected saliva  infect the blood  and liver and where they mature and reproduce. more severe cases can lead to comma and even death.

Solutions: Echinacea, Cayenne, Oregano essential oil, Clove essential oil, Eucalyptus essential oil,  Wormwood,Raw Garlic, Slippery elm Bark, Licorice Root, Thyme, Rosemary
Also:  Ginger is an antiseptic and carminative substance. As a result, it can be used to treat food poisoning. It is also used for treating intestinal infections and bacterial dysentery. it can be used to treat Yellow fever and Malaria.

  • Echinacea: antibacterial
  • Cayenne: antiviral, anti bacterial, diaphoretic
  • Wormwood: to kill parasites
  • Clove essential Oil  antiseptic, antimicrobial: to kill parasites and larva
  • Garlic: Antiviral, anti parasitic
  • Slippery Elm Bark  Nutritional support and Recovery from depletion from parasites.
  • Thyme: Anti bacterial, anti viral, antiseptic, a natural antibiotic with a high O.R.A.C.  value
  • Oregano: a powerhouse of an antibiotic to defeat viral infection(s)
  • Eucalyptus: this will defeat the virus overall more specifically because of its powerful anti microbial, antiseptic , anti bacterial and antiviral properties.


Forced steam ( Vaporizer) 
This process will sanitize the environment as well as aiding in the defeat of the malaria virus through the uses of herbal properties (primarily) antiseptic, antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti viral and anti parasitic.
Use 3 drops of your pre diluted Eucalyptus essential oil in a standard vaporizer this will also help sanitize the environment a bit This essential oil is a Powerhouse of a anti-malaria remedy. This is primarily because of it powerful properties; antibacterial,antimicrobial, anti fungal, antipyretic, anti septic, and stimulates mucus secretion(s) , diaphoretic.
You want to get the Eucalyptus essential oil diffusing within the atmosphere ASAP. and you can even breath it in slowly and gently with your eyes close but in hail from both mouth and nasal passages.

Method #2 
Forced steam ( Vaporizer) use the following   of your(herbal survival kit owners) pre diluted essential oils
(2 drops)Eucalyptus essential oil, 2 drops of Clove Essential Oil, 1 drop of tea tree  essential oil, 2 drops of peppermint essential oil, and 4 drops of Oregano Oil to at least 1-2 Gallons  of Distilled water if you do not have a vaporizer use a stainless steal Stock pot or enamel canning or stock pot bring to a hard boil add essential oils then bring down to a low simmer and constantly adding distilled water  for larger environments use multiple boiling pots.

Tea: Echinacea, Cayenne  2 times daily(adults)  add 1 drop of cayenne tincture and 1 full draw of echinacea tincture in a 8 ounce cup of boiling water mix well drink slowly and as hot as possible.
Thyme Tea 2 tablespoons of dried thyme leaves steeped for 20 minute then strained and pressed. take 2 times daily (Adults),  ( Children) once daily.
Cayenne Dandelion Tincture Tea take 1 full draw of dandelion tincture and 1 drop of cayenne tincture in a cup of 10 ounces of boiling water. (Adults take 3 times daily.
Dandelion Licorice root Tea Take 1 teaspoon of dandelion root(dried) 2 if freshly picked and 1 tablespoons of licorice root  add to 8 ounces of boiling water and let steep 30 minutes take 3 times daly

Tinctures: Also know White Willow has a similar effect as Quinine would but with more kick, to also aid in the defeat in this virus. Take a full draw from your kit and add it to 10 ounces of boiling water 2-3 times daily (ADULTS)

Precautions:  Do not use Rosemary if you have Epilepsy. or are pregnant and or breastfeeding. Do not use excessive amounts of licorice root if you have high blood pressure.
Do not use white willow if your doctor told you you could not take aspirin.

The Vitality of Personal Hygiene during an economic collapse

The vitality of Personal Hygiene during an Economic Collapse

It is vital that personal hygiene be taken care of. here is where bacterias form and virus' incubate silently. Your immune system will also play a vital role in surprising these elements that can potently destroy you or a entire community. Yes an Entire community. look at the flu strain of 2012 it killed 8 people on the east coast. and then look at hati. 80,000 dead but if there was a nutritional value in hati along with a food water source this would of never happened. but the past few posts on nutrition are SUPER vital to you and your family right now!!! . E.G. the super foods, Bee Pollen,and Slippery Elm Posts are Super vital Print them out now RIGHT NOW!!! if you doubt any of these look it up in your own research These Posts are not assumptions, but facts and I used them ALL with GREAT SUCCESS under harsh circumstances. 
Be pollen helps provide All nutritional values for the central nervous system and maintains a healthy immune system. Bee Pollen is so nutritional that is is considered a SUPER FOOD. I have stared to become ill and I took 1/2 tsp of bee pollen in a 6 ounce glass of warm water and by afternoon I was Better than ever in many circumstances. 

Slippery ELM BARK:
Slipper Elm Bark a Whopper of a super food so powerful it is said to cure many dangerous illnesses and diseases. and is so safe it can be given to an infant as a food in the case a mother cannot product healthy breast milk. If famine broke out you could sustain yourself nutritionally and indefinitely  with this herb.

Those who have no money and or are jobless group up with your neighbors and "Trust GOD" and offer your services or whatever you can in exchange for currency and stock up on these herbs and super foods. together without GREED. 
Help each other by the graces of god and your creativity to be resourceful and become an example to other in your community so the Goodness and simplicity can develop and grow. unconditionally and without compromise,

But what if the government embargoes all herbs the beauty of Traditional herbal medicine id that there is something known as Wildcrafting were one harvests' herbs from the wild if they wanted to taint all the herbs they would commit suicide and die before us. Truthfully!!!

This tonic is so powerful it can aid in asthma, high and or low blood pressure. I have a family member with lupus who takes this tonic taught to us by our grandfather and She is in remission for over 5 years another lady up the road with a tumor started taking the tonic for a while and when she went back to the doctor there was NO indication of ANY tumor. and the doctor was amazed and he said this.
" Whatever your doing your doing something right KEEP ON DOING WHATEVER IT IS YOUR DOING" . I had asthmatic hay fever in the springtime and summer and after 2 tears of the Tonic I no longer have this issue as a mater of fact I can was my face in a freshly cut law with NO EFFECT whatsoever.
Go got the apple cider Vinegar tab of this blog and print to out with the posts of bee pollen ,Super food's Post, Slippery elm posts  and If you can print all the posts out for your own personally use. 

An easy Bee Pollen Tonic:
1/8 tsp of raw domestic(if possible) bee pollen 
6 ounces of warm filtered water stir well until dissolved any undissolved pollen eat and follow with a glass of warm filtered water

A powerful slippery Elm Gruel for ADULTS:

  • 12 ounces of warm filtered water
  • 3 teaspoons of Slippery Elm Bark Powder 
  • 1/8 teaspoon of Bee Pollen

This is a two step process

Step 1. Dissolve the Bee Pollen in 12 ounces of warm filtered water well 
Step 2. add the slippery elm bark powder slowly and mix well as you add 
The consistency should be like a watery hot cereal drink or eat as needed as a food. if you want to make a dough of this simply add more slippery elm bark powder and eat as if it were a soft nutrition bar.

A powerhouse of an Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic( taught to me by my grandfather)
I have used this tonic with great and amazing success and still use it to this day 
  • 10 ounce glass of filtered water
  • 2 tablespoons of Raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 2 Tablespoons of Raw Wild flower honey

Mix very well and use as needed I have been using this since the age of 6 and am now 50 
This tonic will also help those pasty 24 hr bugs. and if drank hot and as a tea after the cider finger has been warmed not boiled then add the RAW wildflower honey to preserve the vital enzymes in the honey.
Other Survival Recipes for Personal hygiene
Making Thyme Tea and after it has cooled use it as a disinfecting mouthwash.
Using a fresh cut Lime( cut in half) as a underarm deodorant will help with body odor
Making Echinacea tea and once cooled can be used as a antibacterial body wash  use the flower and stems but no roots.
Making a Witch hazel tea and adding pure aloe juice 30% is an excellent resource for sunburn and a natural body coolant.
Using  1 part Witch hazel, 1 part Pure Aloe Juice, and 2-3 drops of pure uncut essential oil of lavender or cooled lavender tea (1 part) will keep the skin healthy and revitalized as well as cleans

Herbs for Tuberculosis

Herbal Survival Kits for Preppers Series

“Herbs For Tuberculosis”
You may also want to read the following Posts:

Your Herbal survival kit is a great asset to your Preparedness plan.
We will disuse the uses of each component in detail in each segment to its applied topic with other relational information.

Your kit contains 6 tinctures and 6 pre diluted essential oil for the Main & Travel Kits;Keychain kits are 4 and 4.
Why are my essential oils Pre-Diluted?

In an Emergency Situation,Contamination, Bug out, Escape and or Evade situation you need a Rapid deployable and intervention solution that provides results realistically. Secondly, having a pre prepared kit is vital that is why these kits are TRUE GRAB-N-GO solutions and unlike anything out there.

What is TB?
Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection that effects primarily the lungs but can also effect the kidneys, gaul bladder and upper and lower intestines.
Treatment(s) when initially diagnosed it is vital to get a constant and good supply of oxogen to the blood the best way is exercise particularly walking uphills.
Defeating the bacterial infection(s)
Secondly, a antibacterial is needed for the bacterial infection(s) Echinacea is one great choice for this along and or in conjunction with cayenne pepper.
in the case of a bacterial infection with traces of a viral infection and or parasitical cause Clove oil is used to kill and parasites and or lava. If fever is present a diaphoretic is needed ( a herb that openness the pores system by inducing sweating followed by a hot shower than an immediate cold shower to seal the pores to stop any toxins from reentering the body through the pores and re infecting the system(s)
To detox the kidneys and lower abdominal organs ( but not limited to) use dandelion root not only will it detox your Lungs and organs of toxins, but will also purify the blood.

Nutritional support:

Now we need to replenish the nutrients to strengthen the main systems and immune system (primarily) to begin the healing process. Slippery elm bark will provide a powerhouse of a nutritional replenishment for the entire human anatomy.
including the muscular skeletal system.

What Kit herbs can be used to treat it and successfully?
(t)= tincture  (eo)= Pre-diluted Essential oil

  1. (t)Dandelion Root: Detox
  2. (t)Echinacea ROOT: ( your kit uses the best organic echinacea root available) for its powerful antibacterial properties
  3. (t)Cayenne for antiviral, bacterial, and diaphoretic properties
  4. (eo)Clove oil for its powerful anti- viral and anesthetic properties
  5. (eo)Oil of oregano
  6. (t)White Willow Bark. for pain management and aiding in fever reduction
  7. (t)Slippery elm bark for nutritional replenishment


Thieves oil in a one quart sprayer bottle filled with distilled water add 5 drops of thieves oil, shake well and spray your living enclosed areas thoroughly starting from the highest point (ceiling). 3 -5 times a day you can also take pre diluted thieves oil internally one drop in a cup of tea or warm water daily or place it on an external infection or skin as a protectant shield do not overuse or use on children.

A kit variant of Thieves Oil are as follows:
Clove Oil: 5 drops;  anti viral
Eucalyptus Oil: 2 drops; anti microbial, anti viral, anti fungal, anti bacterial
Oregano Oil: 5 drops anti viral anti bacterial
Peppermint Oil: 3 drops antiseptic, anti bacterial and anti viral
Mix this formula in a separate small babyhood jar or small gall jar and let sit for 24 hrs.

***Whenever using externally also add 3 drops of Tea tree oil this also can be added to a vaporizer which will do an amazing god in sanitizing the room / environment free from bacterial and viral infections as well as mold spores.

True Thieves Oil 
Also includes: CinnamonRosemary, Lemon essential oils. You can make this on your own by watching the essential oil making video here.

Cayenne Tincture: 1 drop in 6 ounce glass of warm water twice daily. in severe cases thrice daily. or 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne powder in 8 ounces of boiling water as a tea 2 twice daily.

Slippery elm bark tincture: 1 dropper full in a 10 ounce glass of warm water 3 times daily ADULTS AND CHILDREN.
Dandelion root tincture: 1 dropperful 2 times daily.
Echinacea tincture: 1 dropper full once daily of 10 days then off for 2 days then back on for 10 days for a period of 30 days.
Willow Bark tincture: 1 dropper flu in a 6 ounce glass of warm water 2-3 times daily.
Oil of Oregano: one drop in a glass of 10 ounces of warm water daily
Clove oil: 1 drop in a glass of 10 ounces of warm water daily

Other herbs that can be used to effectively treat tuberculosis:

  • Yarrow root: diaphoretic properties helps relieve fevers related to both internal and or bacterial infection(s)
  • Golden seal root: for its powerful antiseptic properties
  • Cinnamon: for its antiseptic properties
  • Ginger Root: antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Garlic: antibacterial/anti viral properties
  • ***Thieves oil: This powerful essential oil defeated the Black Plague. it powerful antiseptic,antibacterial and antiviral properties will obliviate ANY airborne disease.Bacterial or Viral, natural or manmade!!!
  • Licorice Root: used as a powerful healing herb for the internal organs after a detox (dandelion or burdock root)
  • Thyme tea for its anti bacterial anti viral properties 
  • Burdock Root: for its powerful blood purification/detox properties
  • Bee Pollen: for Nutritional Support and supplementation's of vitamins and minerals

PRECAUTIONS: 1 do not use thieves oil on or near children.

2. do not use echinacea if you have an autoimmune disorder