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The Power of herbs for Preppers Series "MULLEIN"

The Power of Herbs for Preppers Series “Mullein”

Target: Respiratory System
Survival: “Medicine”

Mullein  has a towering stalk which bears tiny yellow flowers which have antiseptic properties and when a tea is made then cooled can be used as a mouth rinse.
The leaves have the shape of a tobacco leaf but feal like flannel to touch, tiny like hair follicles should be washed off because they can cause irritation to some individuals. but overall this plant packs a powerhouse of a punch for overall respiratory issues regardless of the severity in both Adults and in Children.
Mullen Leaf is a powerful respiratory herb that is potent and targets the Respiratory system: Its properties consist of anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory. Mullen has other uses but we will focus on the respiratory system in this post.

Also the small yellow flowers that appear at the top of the stalk and because of their antiseptic properties they  make a good healing tea for the lungs.

A few uses of Mullein targeting the respiratory system( but not limited to)

  • Tuberculosis
  • Bronchtis
  • Pneumonia
  • Colds
  • Flu
  • Asthma
  • Inflammation
  • Sores
  • Tumors

There are no serious side effect, however excess usage can cause an upset stomach.

Dosage:(ADULT) Liquid Extract: 1/2 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon daily. TINCTURE:1/4 to 1 teaspoon 3 to 4 times daily.
Dried Mullein Flowers: 1 to 2 teaspoons in a cup of 8 ounces of boiling water steeped for 30 minutes. once or twice a day. For Children dosages refer to Clarks rule of pediatric dosing on the here

Mullein tea recipe:

You will need:
10 ounces of boiling water
2 teaspoons of dried mullein leaves

Directions: Add dried herb in a tea ball or infuser ,add boiling water and let steep a min of 30 minutes.

Natural Solutions for Respiratory Virus' in Children and Adults

Herbs for Respiratory Virus’ /Infections for children and adults

Also read the following posts:

First off let me begin with the vitality of a healthy respiratory system. This is so because there is also a vital need for healthy non contaminated oxygen to the central nervous system as well as the immune system. Yes the immune system need oxygen to properly process the nutrients and their delivery to their applicable system. e.g a healthy properly delivered b6 supplement when called thy the central nervous system through a chemical biochemical process also from the liver; This delivery is also supplied with pure oxygen at the level amount is is called for. when oxygen becomes contaminated with neurotoxin an added stress or burden is applied on both the liver and immune systems because they have to work harder during the delivery process to deliver a purer delivery of what is called for. 

In simple form  an infection weather bacterial or viral contaminates the immune systems nutrients because toxins and or neuro toxins are present with the bacteria and virus. Now the immune system and other main systems have to work harder individually and collectively to remedy this.

However there are potent and natural solutions that will work in defeating both bacterial and viral infections. In this post I will be targeting specifically the respiratory system.
God Bless,

Here is a good list of powerhouse herbs for respiratory infections (defeating, detoxing, and healing) 

Mullein leaf: this herb will target the respiratory system and ANY virus and will kill it on contact. It also has expectorant,antiviral,demuculant properties-and  is used traditionally for treating bronchitis,tuberculosis, pneumonia, and asthma, and lung
Dosing of Mullen leaf: (Adults) 1 to 2 teaspoons of fresh or dried mullein leaves in 8 oz. of boiling water steeped for a min. of 30 minutes . 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of liquid extract/syrup daily.  or 1/4 teaspoon of tincture 3 time a day no milk or sugar. NOTE: this is a very bitter herb drink it slowly so that your palette can adjust to its bitterness. refer to clarks rule for dosing this herb for children over 3 years of age
Horehound: this her is primarily used for bronchitis which great success dating back of the time of Jesus. it also is for respiratory diseases and has demuculant and expectorant properties. dosing of this herb (adults) 2 tablespoons of dried herb in a tea ball steeped with boiling water for a min. of 30 minutes.daily.
Vervain: This herb is good for fevers and will tamp down inflammations, quiet coughs  (Adult dosing)1 teaspoon of dried herb steeped in 8 ounces of boiling water for a min. of 30 minutes and taken 4 times daily.
Dandelion: a good blood purifier to help detox the blood from toxins. 2 teaspoons of dried herb steeped in 8 ounces of boiling water for a min. of 30 minutes taken 3 times daily
Burdock: a powerhouse of a blood kidney liver and Gaul bladder detoxifer  adult dosing 1 teaspoon of dried herb steeped in boiling water for min of 30 minutes and taken 3 times daily.
Licorice root: ( do not use if you have high blood pressure this herb can elevate blood pressure levels) This herb has powerful healing properties particularly of the cellular  and membrane walls that have been damaged by toxins or bacterias’  and or virus’ 2 teaspoons of dried herb steeped  in 8 ounces of boiling water 2 times daily.
European Elder : this herb also has powerful anti-viral properties and is used commonly to treat bronchitis, colds and flu's breathing problems, mucus membrane inflammations fever pain and swelling. dosing for this herb is as follows (ADULTS) steep 2 teaspoons of dried flowers in 8 ounces of boiling water for a min.of 30 minutes  and take 2 times daily. or take 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of liquid flower extract 3 times daily. or take 1/2 to 2 teaspoons of whole herbs extract daily. for children refer to bottle for directions or if making yourself refer to Clark's rule of pediatric dosing.
Astragalus:  this herb is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory. adult dosing of this herb 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of tincture  or 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of liquid extract daily.
Echinacea: this is a powerful immune system stimulant to aid in maintaining a healthy immune system.
Golden seal root: a powerful antiseptic and good for as siting the defection of pneumonia.
Bee Pollen:( Not for Children or those allergic to be products) if not sure check with Your, MD. This will enhance and aid in maintaining a healthy immune system through the delivery of a PURE spectrum of b complex vitamins also to the Central Nervous System.

Essential oils:
Oil of Oregano this is an concentrate of the herb that provides anti viral properties
1 drop of a 1 percent dilution is for children not infants or babies. 1 drop of a 2 percent dilution daily for adults.
Oil of Thyme: this is good for breaking up congestion, and facilitating breathy, stopping coughing,taming bronchial spasms and stimulating respiration, this oil will also settle the stomach and kill germs and fungi.
Oil of Eucalyptus:
Thieves oil: (Not to be used near or on children) This oil is for external use only and also for steam vaporizing. ( to sterilize and combat airborne bacterias’ and virus’) 2-3 drops in a 2 gallon steam vaporizer directly in the water keep this going 24/7  and add just a pinch of iodized salt to increase steam levels.

Herbal Syrup Recipe:
You will need:
2 oz. of dried herb( double this if using fresh herbs)
1 1/2 cups of water
3 cups of raw wildflower honey

Bring 3/4 cups of water to a hard boil add herb and bring to a low simmer.
Simmer for 10 minutes 30 minutes if roots, barks or seeds are used.
strain and press herbs with a potato ricer and return liquid to warm pot  be very careful liquid will be hot
bring again to a low simmer and slowly add honey while always mixing it well and continually. let low simmer for 5 additional minutes and continuously mixing do not bring to a boil it will destroy the vital healing enzymes of the raw wildflower honey. take off heat let cool and bottle this will keep for 2 months in the refrigerator.
To soothe a cough, take 1/2 teaspoon for a 25 lb. child and 1 teaspoon for a 50 lb. child, about 4 times a day. Adults take 1 teaspoon dosages

Vitamin C dosages are also good to help heal and revitalize and maintain a healthy immune system. and old traditional remedy is 1 tablespoon of raw wildflower honey and 1 tablespoon of pure lemon juice 3 times daily for adults. and 2 times daily for children over 5 years old.

Mullein Syrup recipe: add 2 oz. dried mullein leaf to above recipe
Horehound syrup recipe add 2 oz. dried horehound herb to above recipe
Elderberry syrup recipe: add 2 oz. of dried whole herb to above recipe.
A Combination Syrup recipe:
Add 1/2 oz. of each herb to above recipe
horehound,mullein leaf,astragalus, thyme

The Power of Herbs for Preppers Series "TURMERIC"

The Power of herbs for Preppers Series “Turmeric”

Turmeric is a very yellow herb that stains well and almost impossible to remove. It is very tastefulHowever this powerful herb has a wonder of an anti inflammatory properties. It is also said to be used for detoxing the Kidneys, Liver, and gaul bladder. That is why Turmeric is also known as the Livers best friend its ability to heal and rebuild the liver is amazing. This herb also work well with "Ginger", "Cardamon", "Cinnamon" and "Neel". However, unlike aspirin will not cause the increased rick of bleeding and ulcers in the intestinal tract and stomach lining.

Some Uses:

Cancer, Gallbladder problems, hepatitis, indigestion, lack of appetite, Alzheimer’s disease, Arthritis, bursitis, cancer, gallstones, jaundice, irritable bowel syndrome,diabetes, asthma, epilepsy,fever, ringworm, psoriasis,ulcers,lymph gland problems and much more.
Its medicinal properties, the curcuminand curmoids in turmeric are the vital healing and reliving elements. The herb also triggers a better bile flow, which helps digest fats and reduces the risk of gallstones. As I said before Turmeric in the Livers BEST FRIEND and as a result this herb alone will generate the secretion of several enzymes and detoxes the liver Also it will help with the build up of oxidation in the arteries as well as cholesterol.
some people use Turmeric in a paste form to mall a hot milk called “Golden Milk”
This is were a turmeric or turmeric combination paste usually with Ginger, and Cinnamon) are then added to warm milk then heated to a low simmer. and taken in the morning and or at night. another method is to take 1/8 teaspoon of turmeric tincture 3 times a day. using black pepper with turmeric can improve the bodies ability to use turmeric perhaps as much as 20 fold.

Precautions: people with bile duct obstruction should not take turmeric. people with gallstones should take to a herbalist that is a Md. extremely large doses of curcumoids could cause ulcers or cancer and reduce the number of red and white corpuscles in the body.

Golden Milk Base Recipe:

You Will Need:
2 tablespoons of turmeric powder
1/4 cup of water
1 cup of milk or soy milk
1 teaspoon coconut or almond oil
Raw wildflower honey to taste

1. Stir together the turmeric and water in a small saucepan. Bring to a simmer and allow to cook, stirring, until a thick paste is formed.

2. Use 1/2 to 1 tsp of this turmeric paste for each cup of Golden Milk. Add turmeric paste, milk, almond oil/coconut oil  to saucepan and reduce heat to low. Bring milk just to a boil then remove from heat. Whisk briskly or blend if you prefer a frothier drink.add raw honey last to taste.

Golden milk for Bruised Ribs Recipe
This recipe adds antiseptic properties adding to the natural anti-inflammatory properties of both Turmeric and ginger and will not only help with the inflamational soreness but also begin to heal the ribs and surrounding area as well.

Follow the above recipe and add the following herbs to step 1, making the paste.
1 tablespoon of Ginger root Powder
1/4 teaspoon of Cinnamon
1/4 cup of water
This will create a new version of the above Golden Milk paste

use daily for sore ribs and other sore pains of the muscular skeletal system.

Latest Blog Update " New Blog enhancement added"


Hello everyone we just added a NEW category section on the mid right side of the blog to make it easier along with translator tools and blog search. I will be adding to this daily so you will also se new categories as well as number of related posts next to each category.
God Bless,

The power of Herbs for Preppers Series" Chickenpox"

The Power of herbs for Prepper Series 

“Herbs for Chickenpox”

Also Visit These Posts: 

Chicken pox Is a viral infection otherwise known as an Eruptive disease. This virus Effects many of the main systems and personal hygiene, nutrition and hydration are vital in its healing.
This virus also has a relation to the Shingles virus and is highly contagious.

A few good herbs for chickenpox are:

Thyme: used for its anti bacterial anti viral properties. Cooled Thyme tea used as a wash  also for its antiseptic properties
Yarrow Root: used as a diaphoretic to induce sweating to release toxins from the body from the viral infection
Cayenne: used as a diaphoretic to induce sweating to release toxins from the body from the viral infection and to begin healing process.
Dandelion: to detox the organs and blood from impurities and toxins released from the virus.
Burdock: used as a powerful blood purifier from toxins released from the viral infection, particularly within the liver.
Bee pollen: for its powerful support of the immune system through a full spectrum of B complex vitamins and minerals also for its nutritional support for all the main systems effected and recoveries.
Slippery Elm Bark: for its powerful nutritional support
Echinacea: for its antibacterial properties and to strengthen the immune system
Pleurisy Root: used for its powerful healing of both bacterial and viral infection properties over usage can cause upset stomach.
Witch Hazel: for its  cooling and astrigent properties
Goldenseal: for its powerful antiseptic properties
There are a few things needed to be do to be feat this virus and they are:
1. Cleansing the System(s): We need a diaphoretic this is a her that induces sweating by exciting the pores system , this allowing the toxins to exit through the pores. a hot shower is immediately needed after this to wash the toxins and the a cold shower to seal the pores from reentering back into the body through open pores. a few good examples are Cayenne, Yarrow Root
Detoxifying the blood stream: 
Make a Dandelion, Burdock or Yarrow  tea from a tincture or fresh or dried plant . (se recipe and dosing below)
2. Strengthening the immune system:
This is Vital raw Domestic Bee pollen you will be able to tell its raw and domestic because it is not all in granular form(freeze dried.) it is a powdered type of granule and needs to be refrigerated.
take 1/4 teaspoon of raw bee pollen in a 6 ounce glass of warm distilled water daily.
or take 1 cup of echinacea goldenseal tea daily if bee pollen is not available do not give bee pollen to children or infants or if you are allergic to bee products.
3. Nutritional Support:
Slippery elm bark powder 2 tablespoons in a 12 ounce glass of warm distilled water 3 times daily. and a regular herbal “EXTERNAL” wash/detox

“Recipes and Dosing”
Herbal Aid recipe Recipe “General Healing”
1 ounce of skullcap
1/2 ounce of pleurisy root
Infuse for 20 minutes in a quart of boiling water strain and add vegetable glycerine to sweeten to taste. and take WARM. take 2 ounces 3 times a day

“Making a tea from a dried or fresh plant”
Dried Herb:Take 2 teaspoons of dried herb  to a tea ball or spice bag and add 8 ounces of boiling water let steep for 30 minutes min.
making a tea from a fresh herb plant
Fresh Herb:Take 4 teaspoons (about) of fresh herb and add it to a tea ball infuser or spice bag add 8 ounces boiling water let steep for 45 minutes min.

These teas below are VERY bitter in nature do not add sugar or honey.
Yarrow Root Tea: Take 10 drops of burdock tincture into 8 ounces of boiling  distilled water mix well drink HOT as possible  
Dandelion Tea take a draw of your tincture(herbal Kit Owners and add to 8 ounces of boiling  distilled water  mix well drink warm. take 2 times daily (Adults)
Burdock Root Tea: Take 10 drops of burdock tincture into 8 ounces of boiling  distilled water mix well drink warm

Herbal Detox Wash Recipe 
1/2 ounce goldenseal root
1 ounce sage
2 ounces of apple cider vinegar
10 ounces of distilled water

Herbal Wash for itchy skin

1 ounce tincture of lobelia
7 ounces of Witchhazel
10 ounces of water

Bring to a boil then drink heat down to a low simmer for 30 minutes. let cool add to bathwater and wash effected areas. do not let come near or in ears, eyes, nose.