
Holiday Cleaning Quick Tips

Holiday Cleaning Tips:

The holiday season is near so hear is a simple Tip on Cleaning for the holidays "Naturally"
God Bless,

Adding these ingredients to our carpet freshener and house cleaner post  will..
(Option#1) add 2 drops of pure Peppermint oil adds a Clean Christmasy tone
(Option #2)adding 2 drops of pure cinnamon essential oil will give it a holiday cleanliness and  earthly aroma
(Option #3)adding 2 drops of pure clove essential oil will give it a bolder and more earthly aroma...

Natural Solutions for bruised ribs

Natural Solutions for bruised ribs

Bruised Ribs can be very painful and take time to heal. Also Complications can arise such as internal bleeding, infection and inflammation. It is vital to Keep the area of ribs stable and allow them to heal naturally. This can be achieve with a few natural Solutions:
God Bless,

  • Apple Cider Wrap
  • Black Strap Molasses Tea
  • Golden Milk from India

Golden Milk
A Tea from india called “Golden Milk” This is a tea that consists of very powerful antiinflmitory herbs.  and which taste good and you may even have the spices on your spice rack now.

To keep inflammation down to a minimum is important and will help speed up the natural healing process. Inflamation(s) due to any injury causes stress ad actually can act as an inhibitor in the healing process and or a after the healing may even cause further complications such as nerve pain from the pinching or repositioning of a nerve or nerves due to improper healing while an area is inflamed.

Secondly it can effect blood flow by concrictiong to a degree veins and arteries even partially which to can cause frther inflamation(s) and nerve pains.  See recipes below

An Apple Cider Vinegar wrap.

An Apple Cider Wrap consist of Oraganic Raw unfiltered Apple Cider Viniger and a Cheesecloth and Large bandage Roll soaked thoroughly in the apple cider vinegar. Then applying the soaked cheesecloth first and then the large bandage roll and taught but not tight. for at least 4 days but resoaking the cloths every other day in a new batch of apple cider vinegar.  

What this will do is increase and maintain a well level of blood circulation. The enzymes in the Raw unfiltered Apple cider vinegar once absorbed will also aid in the healing of bruised or even a slight fracture with the potassium in the apple cider vinegar as well as other minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and molecular constitutes overall.

Black Strap Molasses Tea

Black strap molasses contains all the vital elements of healing the skeletal muscular system.  Black strap molasses is also used for con stipations,edema, heart palpitations and anemia. a few of these element needed would be

To name a few:

See recipes below

Blackstrap mollasses Tea Recipe
1 TBLS Blackstrap Molasses
Hot Water
3/4 cup cream line Milk or Soymilk
1/4 teaspoon of coconut oil
Add molasses to a glass and add just enough hot water to cover the molasses. Stir until dissolved. 
Take Milk, dissolved molasses and coconut oil and bring all to a moderate SIMMER stirring occasionally. 

Golden Milk Recipe from India
10 ounces of Cream line Milk
1 teaspoon of Turmeric Ginger Paste
1 tablespoon of raw wildflower honey
1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon of Coconut oil

First take Ginger,Turmeric, cinnamon and 1/4 cup of water simmer until it becomes a thick paste but always stirring. remove paste and place in a mason jar in refrigerator it will keep for a week.

Secondly, in a pot add milk and turmeric ginger paste simmer add coconut oil, simmer until all is blended and coconut oil is melted (just before it begins to to come to a boil) . add honey to taste and drink  drink daily.

Healthy Hot Coco Recipes For family, Holidays and Preppers!!!

Healthy Hot Coco Recipes For family, Holidays and Preppers!!!

Making your own flavored hot COCO can be Fun, Healthy, and Very Inexpensive and can be added to your preps or Bug out bags already pre measured

Vanilla Hot Coco
4 tablespoons vanilla creamer
2 tablespoons. parts Dark unsweetened COCO( I use Starbucks)
8 tablespoons Quality powdered milk Cinnamon Hot Coco
1 tablespoons cinnamon creamer
4 tablespoons. parts Dark unsweetened COCO
8 tablespoons Quality powdered milk

Mint Hot Coco
3 tablespoons mint creamer
4 tablespoon. parts Dark unsweetened COCO
8 tablespoons Quality powdered milk

Fall Hot Coco
2 tblespns allspice creamer
4 tablespoons. parts Dark unsweetened COCO
8 tblespns Quality powdered milk

USAGE: Use 4 tablespoons per 10 ounces of hot water.

How to make your own flavored creamers

Use a Quality creamer to start add the seeds of one split vanilla bean pod to 1/4 cup of Quality plan creamer or take 2 times the amount of a quality creamer and add all together in a food processor and pulse 5-10 times quickly. If you let this sit verses using it right away the flavor of choice will become stronger because it will more thoroughly and naturally infuse into the creamer base.

Using Essential Oils to make Healthy flavored Creamers:

First place 4 tablespoons of quality plain creamer in a small bowl add 3 drops of pure uncut essential oil. mix well by hand  then place in a small blender or food processor and give it 5 very quick pulses stir by hand again well to ensure powder consistency throughout. place in glass mason jar and cover, let sit overnight.

Using Powdered Herbs to make Healthy flavored Creamers:

First place 4 tablespoons of quality plain creamer in a small bowl add 1 teaspoon of powdered herb mix well by hand and let sit for one week

Some other examples of good and Healthy Herbal Hot Cocos' are:

Chamomile: gentle and ads mellow summer flavor to Coco
Peppermint: Great Coco for those Cold Winter Days and Holidays
Cinnamon:  Great for those Cold mornings to invigorate you. with a new beginning.
Star Anise: an overall fun and Eye opener that tastes out of this world!!!
Be Creative Combine flavors Like Orange peal, Cinnamon, Allspice, Star Anise

The TRUE Natural Energy

"TRUE"Natural Energy"

This Bold but gentle Reddish in color herb is amazing for "TRUE" Natural Energy.From Africa this herb will produce energy naturaily, is loaded with minerals, High in antioxidants and low in tannic acid. This Bush like herb produces energy naturally and directly from the liver.  But most of all this herb is naturally decaffeinated as well. It is also said to have effects on both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. This herb is also naturally sweet and does not need any sweetener whatsoever.
God Bless,

           African Rooibos Red tea is an amazing herb that supplements low energy levels with a highly integrated molecular composition(s) that fully and seamlessly integrates with all the main systems particularly the Central Nervous System.
All through nutrition and because of this there are no synthetic(s) of energies of any type present. Due to the Element of minerals, antioxidants and low levels of tannic acid allows the Liver to provide natural energy levels directly to all main systems that invoke or call upon it through the chemical composition or neurotransmitter(s) e.g. GABA, ACH, etc. Because of its high levels of antioxidants this is a powerhouse solution to fight free radicals which cause many aliments and both physical and mental limitations.

It also helps the following:
  • Improves Circulation
  • Relieves stomach complaints
  • Reduction of Spasms
  • Lowers Blood pressure
  • Aids in the absorption of iron
  • Can Relieve Skin conditions
  • Aids in Parkinson's and Alzheimers disease Drinking rooibos tea regularly can protect against a process known as lipid peridoxation.
  • and much more…

It is like drinking Coffee but without the caffeine !!! and a whole lot more...

How to make African Rooibos Tea:

  1. Take 2 teaspoons in a tea ball or infuser with 8 ounces of water.
  2. Let steep for 4-5 minutes.
  3. No Milk or sweetener is needed 
  4. Drink as needed.

Always remember there are herbs that act almost immediately and thee are herbs that take time for the body to acclimate to the formula. (absurd, adjust  and balance) Read our post on The Vitality of PH Balance.

Headspace: Green Beans: A Love-Hate Relationship

Canning Green Beens Tips & Secrets 

Headspace: Green Beans: A Love-Hate Relationship: Alright, folks, even though my canning season was a little slow to start this year, it has officially begun and is moving at top speed.  Amo...

Natural Solutions for Congestion

Natural Solutions For Congestion

Sinus and lung congestions are effects of an lineament infection. But what happens when Congestion occurs? 

First of Congestion is caused by a weekend or stressed immune system, which then passes stress onto the main systems, but particularly the Central Nervous System. and this infection can block the neurotransmitter ACH, With this being done histamines are released into the blood and to a degree before the vascular systems dilate otherwise we would have anaphalatic shock present. So as a result we get and increase production(s) of mucous membrane.  when mucus congeals it forms a phlegm like substance that is molecularly heavier in wright both and in volume and then due to excessive stress on the main systems needs to excrete or exit. from the lungs through the airway(s) nose and throat.  So we need to do a few thing to achieve a natural countermeasure:
1. Produce antihistamines ( to counter the realease of histamines).
2. initiate and maintain  a healthy immune system for optimal healing 
3. supply demuculant(s) to the existing condition This will help expel Phlegm an uncoagulated mucus' while antihistamines begin to work.
4. use of a antispasmodic to help calm coughing due to muscular spasms of the throat( Cyane is great for this) (1 drop per 6 ounces of warm water) use as needed.

IMPORTANT! Begin the healing process nutritionally:
Providing a Lung lung and blood  detox is vital (chicory tea is a great lung detox.) dandelion and burdock root is also great for purifying the blood of toxins and neurotoxins. Secondly, WE need to regain all nutritional values to maintain a healthy immune system and main systems.I recommend the following

Tea Recipes:
I. 1 tablespoon of dried chicory or 1 handful of fresh but bruce the stems and leave or dice it up  add boiling water let steep for 4-5 minutes (twice daily)
II. Burdock root and dandelion tinctures add 1 eyedropper full of either tincture to 6 ounces of hot filtered water and mix well and let sit for 10-20 seconds drink twice a day for 5 days  No dairy or sugar during these days 

Be Pollen for it will provide all the nutrients needed to initiate and maintain a healthy immune system.
Slippery Elm Bark will help begin the healing go the organs by providing nutrient to them and assisting in maintaining a healthy immune system.
Marshmallow root to be used as a Demuculant and to help sooth irrupted membrane walls due to overactive spasmodic activities (coughing) sneezing) deep or short.
Wild Cherry Bark  can be used as an expectorant in severe cases.take 1 eyedropper 1/2 eye dropper in a 6 oz. glass of filtered or distilled warm water

Steam inhalation as an expectorant and antiposmadic:

Take a non metallic pot filled with distilled water and use Peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil 3 drops of either  after the water becomes  boiling  then place a towel over your head to catch as much steam as possible by closing your eyes and breathing in with both your nose and throat but primarily with your bout peppermint and eucalyptus will both open the airways by calming the mucus membrane spasmodic activity.

Another method is to take 4 cups of distilled water and once the water begins to boil add slowly 1 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar this will help break up and expel the phlegm as well as detoxify the airways of histamines.

Another therapeutic way to cleanse your airways of mucus is Cinnamon take 4 cup of distilled water and bring it to a boil lower heat and maintain a simmer add 2 tablespoons of cinnamon or 2 cinnamon sticks let simmer for 20 seconds  then close your eyes and take a few SHORT breathes bathing in the cinnamon steam. Cinnamon is a natural antiseptic and will also help Colds, Flus, Bronchitis and phuemonias.

Herbal Remedies for Congestions:
Apple Cider vinegar Tonic: Tea !0 ounces of distilled or filtered water, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mix and heat in a non metallic pot then add 2 tablespoons of raw wildflower honey. drink as needed.
This will help drain the sinus' thus helping a potential infection to heal.
Herbs used to dry up the sinus' 

marshmallow root, goldenseal, chaparal, burdockroot, parsely, lobelia, and cayenne.

The Power of Cayenne for the Prepper

The Power of Cayenne Pepper for the Prepper

Cayenne has some portent properties it all assist in defeating Colds and Flu's and has antispasmodic well as dip heretic properties (induces Sweating) . This is vital to eliminate a cold or flu derived from either Bacteria or Virus. Cayenne also increases Blood Circulation and has the ability to clear Blocked arteries built up with Plaque or calcium deposits.

Cayennes therapeutic properties, as  it possess that  of capsaicin. this active ingredient acts as a counterirritant, and also blocks a body chemical integral to the transmission of pain impulses. thus elevating pain from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis,psoriasis,cluster headaches, diabetic neuropathy, shingles and much more
Internally Cayenne reduces both cholesterol and triglycerides and helps keep the blood flowing.

Also Antioxidant nutrients found in peppers enhance their cariovascular protection as well as protect the lungs.

Cayenne will also fight bacteria sand muscle spasms.(due to its antispasmodic properties)

Dosing: adults a 450 mg capsule 3 times daily or 1/4 dropper of Cayenne tincture in a warm glass of filtered water. Start off VERY slow and let your body acclimate to the Capsaicin levels and readjust systematically for optimal health overall.

Cayenne and Black pepper for self defense

Cayenne mixed with Black  can also be used as self defense.: a tincture off cayenne and black pepper  mixed with grape seed oil and put in a sprayer will give a Wallup to an intruder with the effects of a near military grade tear gas.

It is the same as making an cayenne/ Black Pepper  Lineament  adding a mineral oil that has a very high and fast absorption rate then placing it in an atomizer this will give a fog effect because of the micro particalation. and like other recipes that claim to be tear gas or even pepper spray, this needs to sit for a minimum of 2 weeks (the longer it sits the more potent it becomes. If you want to make the recipe I have had the recipe copyrighted because there is someone claiming this recipe is theirs and with no proof Google Took down the article If this happens again I will go to Word Press  and a full blown site within 8 hrs with a new address.  I have done countless hrs. on research from authentic natural medical books by  Dr. Christopher, Dr. Shook, Dr James A Duke,Jethro Kloss Sr. and Renne Casey,RN. as well as being taught by my ancestors with facts. My grandmother was a RN. who cared for the people in my community during the great depression Giving injections medical care (naturally as taught to her by her father). and feeding those who she could ,thus being non selective. She truly cared for others as her father taught her growing up in poverty she never quit but persevered teaching all that would learn. I to had the privilege of learning from my great Grandfather the values of Fidelity and family although I do not have a family of my own I do what I do and treat EVERYONE as family. And I will persevere like my grandmother and great grandfather not by just words but by actions and truth with facts. Because I to Care and will always care…   If you desire this recipe contact me via the contact tab. 

A Mulling Spice Recipe that Heals

A Mulling Spice Recipe That Heals

1 part dried lemon peel and seeds(whole)
1 part dried orange peel and seeds(whole)
1/8 part of clove buds
2 cinnamon stick( broken up into chips)
1/4 part of black Cumin seeds
1 vanilla bean pod
1/8 part nutmeg
1/8 part allspice
3 drops of orange oil
1drop of lemon oil

Mix all dried ingredients with oils and let sit for 1 week min, the longer the better.

Making a Winter Tea:

Add 1 teaspoon into a tea ball or sack and let steep for 4-5 minutes.

The cumin will give it a very fresh taste and provide medicinal properties good for:

  • Bronchitis
  • Colds and Flus
  • Sinus and Respiratory infections
  • Pneumonia
  • Sore throat
  • Fights against Fatigue 

Natural Solutions for the H7N9 Virus Just Updated!

The H7N9 Virus


Note also reference our post for Bee Pollen

"The Doc is right on the money" with Oil of Oregano and also others can use Oil of Thyme. With my level of experience in natural medicine I will back his statement up 100 percent!!!

Also, for the internal bleeding Cyan pepper tincture (1 drop)  in a a glass of warm water will stop the internal bleeding in those cases.

Refference to above statement:Dr. John Christopher, the famed natural herbalist, was persecuted
relentlessly by the government for his practice of herbal medicine all the while assisting patients in curing heart disease, cancer, tuberculosis, infertility, rheumatism, leukemia, and every other incurable under the sun. and while in the military as a corpsman. 
One of his greatest stories in his long career was how he could instantly stop a heart attack if he could get the patient to drink a glass of warm cayenne water. He said, "A teaspoon of cayenne should bring the patient out of the heart attack." 
While this is not directly related to cayenne pepper and heart health, with internal hemorrhaging, if the patient can drink a glass of extra warm cayenne water, Dr. Christopher wrote, " the count of ten the bleeding will stop. Instead of all the pressure being centralized, it is equalized and the clotting becomes more rapid."
Perhaps now you can see why cayenne pepper is regarded as a true "miracle herb." With over 700,000 thousands Americans experiencing a stroke each year and almost half a million dying yearly of either heart disease or related issues, believe it not the cure is as close as your local health food establishment. How should you take cayenne? Ideally orally in a drink.
The cayenne pepper drink, when taken faithfully, will dramatically improve your heart health as well as your venous structure. Drink it with warm distilled water but if that is unavailable, purified water will substitute nicely. Start by mixing about a quarter of a teaspoon in a glass of warm water. Then, down the hatch. Don't worry, you'll get used to it.

God Bless,

Also note the following Procedure/Formula will Kill the Virus in no time: 

1 part Lemon Balm, a Calmative, Nervine, and Anti-Viral herb that will repairs the nerves from the stress from weakened immune system 
1 part Ginger Root, a potent antiviral herb 
1 part  Garlic, a powerhouse of an antiviral herb that will tie in as a base to knock out the first stage of the virus in tandem with lemon balm.
make a tea with this for 4-5 minutes(steeping time) then take a strainer and lin it with a coffee filter and then 1/8" of cyan pepper and then take  the hot tea and strain it through the cyan.

Secondly, to replenish the nutritional values to all the organs and main systems we need to do the following 2 thing:

1. Make a Slippery Elm Gruel; 10 ounces ounces warm filtered or distilled water and add 3 teaspoons of organic slippery elm powder. ( this will replenish nutritional values to the organs as a BASE for the healing process to begin.
2. take 6 ounces of warm filtered water and 1/2 teaspoon of PURE RAW DOMESTIC Bee Pollen ( this will supply a full spectrum of b vitamins , Minerals and nutrient) to all the main systems particularly the Central Nervous System. Also read the above link specifically on bee pollen!

IMPORTANT NOTE: a Clean Water supply is Necessary get some distilled water or filter and boil the water you have.

Method #2 and reasoning:

A Powerful and Potent herb for the respiratory system would be:
 Licorice root. This will begin to the molecular restructuring structure of the Lungs walls, due to  a respiratory infection either bacterial or viral. This is a last step in the well ness process:
In simple terms: lets say you have determined you have a viral infection anywhere in your body. How was it incubated? Bateria e.g. if so you need both a herb that defeats specifically a bacteria e.g Echinacea is one herb and you need another herb that is resistant to viruses these herbs are know as anti-viral herbs, e.g. Ginger root, Garlic, Lemon Balm
this will begin the process to kill the infection(anti micriobibly) and resist any new mutation(s) in parallel. This is a lot for a herb or herbal formulation to do . So we need to assist the herb(s) effectiveness' in its treatment(s) so we provide nutritional value through another natural source called "SUPER FOODS" read these posts to get a good understanding.
Also read about Bee Pollen 
Also Read our Post on  our  Slippery Em Bark.

And you will se the benefits of all the herbs, Superfood's, Natural nutritional Supplementation's that not only help but heal
and the Herbs, Supper foods, and NATURAL  Nutritional Supplementation's are all a vital composition of the Truest health and wellness of the ENTIRE! HUMAN ANATOMY including Respiratory Circulatory,Central Nervous system and Skeletal/Muscular System

Natural Solutions and nutritional supplementation's for Sore Muscles UPDATED!!!

Natural Solutions and Nutritional Supplementation's  for Sore Muscles

Sore muscle are the result of over usage or going beyond or almost beyond its limitations. The Human Skeletal if not properly nutritioned will weaken and eventually fail , thus causing pain. With this said in simplicity
Here are some vital nutritional elements for the human skeletal system:
God Bless,

Also Note: When taking Calcium; Magnesium MUST be present for proper bone Synthesization and overall health. Otherwise the Bone structure will become depleated and then Brittle and susceptible to Fractures and pain and rheumatism much more easily. Secondly, it is Vital to all the main systems including the muscular skeletal system for a HEALTHY immune system to be present and maintained. 

ALSO Visit !!!
Herbs for Back Pain Post: 


Vitamin E: this fat soluble antioxidant protects tour cell membranes from damage and may prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing and forming plaque in the arteries. it is said to aid in deep vein thrombosis. 
Zinc: Helps fight off Colds and Flues and maintains a healthy immune system nutritionally.
Vitamin A: regulates cell growth  and helps produce white blood cells.
Vitamin K: automatically regulates blood clotting by transporting calcium from the body to the area of injury.Also vitamin K dependent protein is said to promoted good bone health  it is also good for blood vessel injury healing.
Vitamin C: functions as an antioxidant and fights off free radicals and the damage done by them ( Oxidation)
Vitamin B (full spectrum):  aid in a healthy immune system as well as help your body metabolize the carbohydrates and proteins you eat.

Sodium: needed for proper balance of nerve transmission and muscle contraction
Potasium:needed for proper fluid balance,nerve transmission and muscle contractionCalcium will also aid in the vitamin K of blood clotting 
Magnesium to aid in overall immune system health


Bee Pollen: A superfood loaded with vitamins for a healthy immune systen
Slippery Elm Bark Powder: To provide overall nutritional supplementation to all the Main Systems as a FOOD.

A Holiday Herbal Household Cleaner

This little household cleaner has some POWERFUL Antiseptic properties and is good for really disinfecting Floors, Counters, Bathrooms while giving a slight earthy aroma.
God Bless,

6 ounces distilled water
4 drops of pure cinnamon essential oil
3 drops of pure Tea tree essential oil
3 drops of pure thyme oil
(Option) add 2 drops of pure Peppermint oil adds a Clean Christmasy tone...
(Option #2)adding 2 drops of pure clove essential oil will give it a bolder and more earthly aroma...

Natural Solutions for Kidney infections

Natural Solutions and herbs  for kidney infections for adults

There are natural solutions for Kidney infections; first the person must detox the kidneys gallbladder slowly and gently Then supplying them both with nutrients and Vitamin C in a concentrated form 
Then, once this is achieve we need to begin to detox and then start the healing process of the abdominal organs internal walls while maintaining a healthy performance from all the lower abdominal organs.

Some steps one can take is to drink as much filtered or distilled water as possible then followed by 3 ounces of pure lime juice. Pure Lime juice will begin to detox the lower abdominal organs as well as dissolve any kidney and or gaul stones like lemon juice but Lime juice will in addition to the vitamin C levels and other vital healing detox/ enzymes with also help with natural energy level maintenance,.Once this is achieved and Kidneys and All lower abdomen organs are flushed /detoxed clean then it is time to detox the blood as well so that there are no reverse affects of toxins in the blood to recontaminate or potentially cause additional damage,this also must be done slowly and safely.A few good detox herbs for the blood are dandelion and burdock root. 

We must create a good foundation for the healing so a set of Cleansed abdominal organs and purified bloodline is a start for this. 

To begin the healing process OVERALL I suggest using licorice root for its amazing healing properties Particularly in this situation.

A few things you will need:
  • Burdock Root or dandelion tincture
  • Lime Juice
  • Licorice Root Tincture
  • Distilled or filtered water

Kidney Cleanse instructions:

Refrain from all dairy, sugar,alcohol, and caffeine while performing this cleanse

3 ounces of Lime juice daily followed by at least 12 ounces of filtered or distilled water for 3-5 days.
After the second day also take 6 drops of dandelion tincture in a glass of warm filtered or distilled water for 3 days to cleanse the blood.
The sixth day drink at least 2 10 ounce glasses of filters or distilled water twice that dat for a final flush. 
For the next 5 days take in hot water 5 drops of licorice root tincture once daily allow the hot water(not boiling ) to dissipate the alcohol tincture. Then let cool to a warm temperature This is if you can only find an alcohol based tincture.

You should be feeling better within 2-3 days while on the lime juice but don't left that fool you because you only just started detoxing the toxins from your kidneys it is after the final flush and the completion of the licorice root tincture that the real healing takes place.

Vital Elements for the New Prepper

Vital Elements for the New Prepper

First off think...
Food, Water, Medicine, "Personal Hygiene Products"

Look at this list backwards; if there is a lack of personal hygiene products what will happen? lack of personal hygiene = "Bacteria(s) 2. Bacteria(s) = illness' which need medicine to heal or repair or eliminate. 3. Illness' need medicine but also nutritional supplementation(s).  In order to provide true nutrition to ALL our main systems we need Good Food and a Pure Water Soure to maintain overall hydration health for this to gets applied to all our main systemsRemoving one element from the necessary elements to survive will effect all the main systems of the human body; Respiratory, Circulatory, Central Nervous System as del as the skeletal and muscular systems. 

Secondly,On a water system I highly recommend and have myself is the Mini Works MSR micro filter . This is issued to the US marines. Also note others due to wear from the dirty water supplies need to be replaced yes, (the Whole Filtering System) this unit has a maintenance kit that is very inexpensive and is comparable and if not bet than the other models out there I also cary a spare filter with my system.

Thirdly, they must work together and not try to delegate all survival tasks and resources to themselves but with realistic and reliable individuals also remember we should also take glare of the disabled and the elderly regardlessly. and above all we MUST put GOD FIRST and include him in all we do plan and learn. Go to the post Hope Herbs and the graces off God and after you read it watch the short training video at the end and you will be amazed what you just learned and pass it around.

God Bless,

Quick Cross References:

God Bless,"The Herbal Survivalist"

Herbs for Bronchitis

Herbs for Bronchitis

Bronchitis a respiratory infection that weekend the main systems overall. However natural antibiotics, antioxidants, anti-viral Solutions can help

Oregano Oil: this herbal essential oil is a POWERHOUSE to defeat infections(bacteria and or viral) place a few drops(1-2) in a cup of hot water and mix well drink as a tea daily.
Anise: This herb will bring up and phlegm  do not take before bed you will be getting up as you bring up mucus and phlegm from the lungs.
Garlic: a powerful antibacterial and antiviral herb that will help heal the bronchitis us it in capsule form or take the GARLIC  ACID TINCTURE(recipe below) 2 times daily.

Onion: an onion is a natural antibiotic Read the posts Sleeping with an onion and read the onion caugh syrup post

Licorice Root: This herb will begin the healing process of the lungs take about an eyedropper full in a glass of warm hot filtered water drink once daily.

Eucalyptus Oil:  this herb can be used to help and open inflamed airways
Make a pot of boiling water not in an aluminum pot and add 5 drops of Pure UNCUT eucalyptus oil to water place a towel over your head and close tour eyes and SLOWLY and MILDLY breath the steam 

Ginger: This powerful antiviral will also help with respiratory inflammation(s) 

Try to refrain from milk as much as possible DO NOT add MILK to any teas and use Cinnamon and or Pure honey as sweetener. Also both Honey and cinnamon are natural anti-septics.

"Garlic Acid Tincture Recipe"
Apple Cider/Garlic Tincture Recipe
4 cloves of fresh Pressed Garlic
6 oz. Raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar

1 clean glass jar

Potato Ricer and or cheesecloth 

Mix both ingredients together in a glass jar for 2 weeks the longer the stronger, shaking daily.
1. Place 6 oz. of Cider vinegar in a jar add minced or pressed garlic cloves.

2.Cover and shake daily for a min of 2 weeks, longer will give you a stronger and more potent tincture.

3. After 2 weeks or more strain garlic from cider vinegar and press the juices from the garlic with a cheesecloth or place the socked chopped garlic wrapped in a cheesecloth and press it in a potato ricer and squeeze the juices back into the cider vinegar them replace the chopped garlic back into the vinegar and bottle.

Use 1/2 teaspoon or 1 full eyedropper into a 6 oz. glass of WARM filtered water for Cold and flus and even Bronchitis or as a daily healthy Tonic this is great for the circulatory system.This is good for Cold and Flus and as a natural anti-viral antidote a great travel aid and first aid companion. 
 Do Not Use if pregnent or breast-feeding.