
Holiday Cleaning Quick Tips

Holiday Cleaning Tips:

The holiday season is near so hear is a simple Tip on Cleaning for the holidays "Naturally"
God Bless,

Adding these ingredients to our carpet freshener and house cleaner post  will..
(Option#1) add 2 drops of pure Peppermint oil adds a Clean Christmasy tone
(Option #2)adding 2 drops of pure cinnamon essential oil will give it a holiday cleanliness and  earthly aroma
(Option #3)adding 2 drops of pure clove essential oil will give it a bolder and more earthly aroma...

Natural Solutions for bruised ribs

Natural Solutions for bruised ribs

Bruised Ribs can be very painful and take time to heal. Also Complications can arise such as internal bleeding, infection and inflammation. It is vital to Keep the area of ribs stable and allow them to heal naturally. This can be achieve with a few natural Solutions:
God Bless,

  • Apple Cider Wrap
  • Black Strap Molasses Tea
  • Golden Milk from India

Golden Milk
A Tea from india called “Golden Milk” This is a tea that consists of very powerful antiinflmitory herbs.  and which taste good and you may even have the spices on your spice rack now.

To keep inflammation down to a minimum is important and will help speed up the natural healing process. Inflamation(s) due to any injury causes stress ad actually can act as an inhibitor in the healing process and or a after the healing may even cause further complications such as nerve pain from the pinching or repositioning of a nerve or nerves due to improper healing while an area is inflamed.

Secondly it can effect blood flow by concrictiong to a degree veins and arteries even partially which to can cause frther inflamation(s) and nerve pains.  See recipes below

An Apple Cider Vinegar wrap.

An Apple Cider Wrap consist of Oraganic Raw unfiltered Apple Cider Viniger and a Cheesecloth and Large bandage Roll soaked thoroughly in the apple cider vinegar. Then applying the soaked cheesecloth first and then the large bandage roll and taught but not tight. for at least 4 days but resoaking the cloths every other day in a new batch of apple cider vinegar.  

What this will do is increase and maintain a well level of blood circulation. The enzymes in the Raw unfiltered Apple cider vinegar once absorbed will also aid in the healing of bruised or even a slight fracture with the potassium in the apple cider vinegar as well as other minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and molecular constitutes overall.

Black Strap Molasses Tea

Black strap molasses contains all the vital elements of healing the skeletal muscular system.  Black strap molasses is also used for con stipations,edema, heart palpitations and anemia. a few of these element needed would be

To name a few:

See recipes below

Blackstrap mollasses Tea Recipe
1 TBLS Blackstrap Molasses
Hot Water
3/4 cup cream line Milk or Soymilk
1/4 teaspoon of coconut oil
Add molasses to a glass and add just enough hot water to cover the molasses. Stir until dissolved. 
Take Milk, dissolved molasses and coconut oil and bring all to a moderate SIMMER stirring occasionally. 

Golden Milk Recipe from India
10 ounces of Cream line Milk
1 teaspoon of Turmeric Ginger Paste
1 tablespoon of raw wildflower honey
1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon of Coconut oil

First take Ginger,Turmeric, cinnamon and 1/4 cup of water simmer until it becomes a thick paste but always stirring. remove paste and place in a mason jar in refrigerator it will keep for a week.

Secondly, in a pot add milk and turmeric ginger paste simmer add coconut oil, simmer until all is blended and coconut oil is melted (just before it begins to to come to a boil) . add honey to taste and drink  drink daily.

Healthy Hot Coco Recipes For family, Holidays and Preppers!!!

Healthy Hot Coco Recipes For family, Holidays and Preppers!!!

Making your own flavored hot COCO can be Fun, Healthy, and Very Inexpensive and can be added to your preps or Bug out bags already pre measured

Vanilla Hot Coco
4 tablespoons vanilla creamer
2 tablespoons. parts Dark unsweetened COCO( I use Starbucks)
8 tablespoons Quality powdered milk Cinnamon Hot Coco
1 tablespoons cinnamon creamer
4 tablespoons. parts Dark unsweetened COCO
8 tablespoons Quality powdered milk

Mint Hot Coco
3 tablespoons mint creamer
4 tablespoon. parts Dark unsweetened COCO
8 tablespoons Quality powdered milk

Fall Hot Coco
2 tblespns allspice creamer
4 tablespoons. parts Dark unsweetened COCO
8 tblespns Quality powdered milk

USAGE: Use 4 tablespoons per 10 ounces of hot water.

How to make your own flavored creamers

Use a Quality creamer to start add the seeds of one split vanilla bean pod to 1/4 cup of Quality plan creamer or take 2 times the amount of a quality creamer and add all together in a food processor and pulse 5-10 times quickly. If you let this sit verses using it right away the flavor of choice will become stronger because it will more thoroughly and naturally infuse into the creamer base.

Using Essential Oils to make Healthy flavored Creamers:

First place 4 tablespoons of quality plain creamer in a small bowl add 3 drops of pure uncut essential oil. mix well by hand  then place in a small blender or food processor and give it 5 very quick pulses stir by hand again well to ensure powder consistency throughout. place in glass mason jar and cover, let sit overnight.

Using Powdered Herbs to make Healthy flavored Creamers:

First place 4 tablespoons of quality plain creamer in a small bowl add 1 teaspoon of powdered herb mix well by hand and let sit for one week

Some other examples of good and Healthy Herbal Hot Cocos' are:

Chamomile: gentle and ads mellow summer flavor to Coco
Peppermint: Great Coco for those Cold Winter Days and Holidays
Cinnamon:  Great for those Cold mornings to invigorate you. with a new beginning.
Star Anise: an overall fun and Eye opener that tastes out of this world!!!
Be Creative Combine flavors Like Orange peal, Cinnamon, Allspice, Star Anise