
Herbal Antiseptic Cleaner and Carpet Refreshener Part 2

Antiseptic Household Cleaner/Carpet Refreshener

I recently came up with a new antiseptic household cleaner and WOW! this is a Powerhouse of a solution. I put together Peppermint and thyme oil and not only does this stuff clean but disinfects very well. Also another variant add a more refreshing spring time scent You got it Lemongrass. and those pesky knots from vegetables or whatever will run for the hills. 
Part 2 of this covers an all natural Carpet cleaner Consisting of Baking Soda, Lemongrass essential oil, Tea Tree essential oil . The base for this recipe is the Baking Soda and Tea Tree essential oil you can also add Lavender Peppermint or for the holiday Cedarwood, Sage , Clove, Cinnamon. 
God Bless,

"The Antiseptic cleaner recipe"

You will need: 
Spay bottle
1 teaspoon of PURE peppermint essential oil
1/2 teaspoon of PURE peppermint essential oil
16 oz. of  distilled water


Add essential oils to sprayer bottle then add distilled water shake well and use this is great for use during Cold and Flu season as a disinfectant.

"Carpet Refreshener Recipe"

You will need:
1 cup of Baking Soda
1/2 teaspoon of PURE Tea Tree essential oil (UNCUT)
1 teaspoon of PURE Peppermint essential oil (UNCUT)
1/3 teaspoon of PURE Sage essential oil (UNCUT)

Adding sage increases the disinfectant properties.

If you want also to kill dust mites add to this or any recipe 1 teaspoon of Rosemary or Clove essential oil. They won't have a prayer after that!!!

Also you can replace the peppermint essential oil with one of the oils listed above. Also you can add 2 teaspoons of Lemongrass to the above recipe Notice I went from a1 teaspoon measurement cap. to a 2 teaspoon measurement; This is know as NOTING so that the main essential oil fragrance stands out over all while the others work in the background.

add 1 cup of baking soda to a small food processor when working with essential oils glass or stainless is best. also make sure you use this only for your non food preps from here on in.  

add the tea tree oil slowly and sir well so that it gets through the whole batch.

add the other oil(s) but here quick pulse 3-6 times, so the baking soda is a fine powder if still a tiny bit damp do not  worry place in a mason jar and shake well before each use.

Sprinkle a bit let sit for 10 plus minutes then vacuum.  Be careful on white ore light colored carpets because essential oils MAY slightly stain.  

You can also use this to refreshen your Couches and chairs that are cloth.

Canning & Preserving Butter,Cheese and Beef

Canning and preserving Butter and Cheese& Beef

Canning Ground Beef

How to Can Butter

Canning Cheese

Making Cheese from Dry Milk

Anti Viral Herbs

A few of the Top anti viral herbs will knock out a virus pretty quickly so that healing can begin. However it is Vital that nutrition is supplemented to all the main systems thus as siting the load off the immune system. Every Main system must be supplemented individually and collectively for optimal results. And in case of a serious viral infection after the initial regression of the viral infection it must continue until all elements are slowly but completely detoxed from all the systems. this. An effective example of this if you has a serious virus or even a viral Flu and you begin your plan with a segment of herbs know you begin to feel better; This is only a temporary effect because the virus has only begun to weaken ( in simple terms) So without delay and continuing your herbal supplementation plan must now include proper nutrients for "ALL" the main systems thus providing vitamin, mineral, amino acids, and oxygen to the blood delivery. 

Once the nutrients begin to effect the systems slowly decrease your herbal plan and nutritionally supplementation's will become a foundation (baseline) for your main systems as well as the immune stems. now your diet, exercise and hygiene, becomes your primary supplementation of your overall wellness plan,However, Waste product must continue to flow regularly and in a healthy form  and not irregularly this will prevent detoxification from any waste product(s) to recontaminate the blood. 

In the event of continuos infection growth the induction of sweating with the use of a diaphoretic herb CAREFULLY while remaining hydrated; Fresh Coconut Water will provide optimal results and also have a great effect on your electrolytes and their balance. 

Important Vitamin Maintenance for Virus'

Vitamin A, C, E. ( Because of there antioxidant properties
Vitamin C FoodFruits: Grapefruits, Oranges, Lemons, Limes
Vitamin C Foods:Vitamin C Foods: Red Pepers Carrots
Vitamin A Foods:  Sweet Potatoes
Vitamin E Foods: Almonds Sunflower seeds and fish

Also a regular dose Maintenance of Vitamin C will help keep your immune system in check and running optimally. Lemon Juice. Lim Juice, Orange Juice, "GRAPEFRUIT JUICE"
a few Diaphoretic Herbs:

Another Anti-Viral Supplementation are Grapefruit seed extract, Grape seed extract, diluted(individually) PURE essential oil of Oregano, Thyme, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Rosemary, Sage,

A Few Anti-Viral Herbs:

Garlic: A POWERHOUSE of an ANTI- Viral Herbs 

Astragalus Root:
Fresh Ginger Root:

Lemon Balm


Some detoxification herbs:

Dandelion Root:

Burdock Root:

Nutritional Herbs and Supplementation's:

Slippery Elm Bark: Will provide Nutrition throughout the Body especially needed areas, Systems, organs.

Spiruilla: will provide oxygen to the blood
chlorella: will provide oxygen to the blood

Herbs to maintain a regular urine flow ( Diuretic) 

Licorice root:
Yarrow: diuretic action aids the elimination of fluid and toxins from the system via the urine.
Green Tea:
Apple Cider Vinegar: in addition helps maintain potassium levels.
Red Clover
Burdock Root

Herbal Lattes and frappes

Herbal Lattes'

Herbal Lattes are refreshing and relaxing they are also healthy they can also be made with soy milk. the cream line herbal lattes are very tasteful and nutrition various herbs simmered in milk for 3-4 minutes can not only be relaxing but very aromatic thus relieving stress and aiding in a powerful way insomnia. They are also Great Cold for a Summer Mid day or evening snack or Pick me upper.

The overall combinations of the aroma of the herbs and the taste set a new environment for the central nervous system particularly using NERVINE Type herbs.  and the best part they are CAFINE FREE…

AI have listed a few good lattes and their recipes few of my Herbal Lattes I use Regularly.

Also Note these can be iced as well and even turned into a frappe 

God Bless,

Also Note Honey is optional.

1. Vanilla Bean/ Lavender: A great favorable Relaxing drink that will help you sleep like a baby and get a GOOD night sleep as well.
10 ounces of Milk cream line preferred or Organic Soy
1 split vanilla bean
1 teaspoon of lavender flowers
1/2 teaspoon of RAW Wild flower honey

add all ingredients except honey
Simmer 3-4 minutes  then strain
add honey  and enjoy

2. Chamomile: Another relaxing and earthly drink to bust up a days stressfulness this drink will calm your nerves and if you add  3-4 drops of an non alcoholic lemon balm tincture this will not on relax your nerves but repair them as well.

10 ounces of Milk cream line preferred or Organic Soy
1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers
1/2 teaspoon of RAW Wild flower honey
4 drops of non alcoholic tincture of Lemon balm (ORGANIC) optional

add all ingredients except honey
Simmer 3-4 minutes  then strain
add honey and optional tincture and enjoy

3. Ginger: This is a Zinger of a latte this will calmly pick you up and kickstart you day and or help you get through the rest of the day. with a smile.

10 ounces of Milk cream line preferred or Organic Soy
1/2 split vanilla bean
1/2 teaspoon of Ginger powder
1/2 teaspoon of RAW Wild flower honey

add all ingredients except honey
Simmer 3-4 minutes  then strain
add honey  and enjoy

4. Orange/ Ginger: Another Zinger of a Latte but with a twist of citrus flavor that will keep you going and happy as well. The Robustness of the Orange peal will also stimulate the central nervous system with a calmness but with the ginger will slowly and in a refreshing manor Keep you going and ALL without caffeine and additives.

10 ounces of Milk cream line preferred or Organic Soy
1/2 teaspoon of orange peel dried or fresh
1 teaspoon of Ginger Powder
1/2 teaspoon of RAW Wild flower honey

add all ingredients except honey
Simmer 3-4 minutes  then strain
add honey  and enjoy

5. Orange Lavender: Another great earthly and refreshing relaxer
This latte will get you in calm mode and the essential oils from the orange peel will keep your central nervous system balanced this specifically is a great mid day buster will break up the stress and rejuvenated you to continue the day a happy camper and with a smile while your toes wiggle…

10 ounces of Milk cream line preferred or Organic Soy
1 teaspoon of dried or fresh orange peel
1/2 teaspoon of lavender flowers
1/2 teaspoon of RAW Wild flower honey

add all ingredients except honey
Simmer 3-4 minutes  then strain
add honey  and enjoy

Making Butter and Cheese

Butter and Cheese are a great barter tool as well as a supplement or addition to a recipe. With raw honey and Creamline milk;They are great for insomnia and colds Below is a recipe taught to use from my grandmother who used this regularly and as a R.N. who helped our community used it on others with GREAT success;

Rosey's Warm Milk
1 cup of Milk Creamline if possible
1 teaspoon of raw honey (Wildflower if possible)
1 teaspoon of sweet butter ( not margarine)
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon (optional)

In a enamal pot warm the milk Be very carful not to scorch it 
add butter low simmer for 10 seconds or until butter is completely melted pour in hot cup add honey and cinamon stir very well then ENJOY and SLEEP and FEEL BETTER
God Bless,

Making Butter and Cheese

Making Cheese with old Milk

Making Cheese with powdered milk

Homemade butter in 3 minutes Video Recipe


Herbs for Sunburn

"Herbs for Sunburn"

Once your skin gets sunburned the skin cells need to be repaired the best bet are the following herbs:
You can make a tea out of these herbs let the tea cool and put the liquid on the affected area with a sterol cotton ball.

Herb List:
  • Lavender
  • Calendula
  • Aloe
  • Echinacea used to diminish the destruction of collagen, the protein that keeps skin elastic.
  • Cucumber this can be directly placed on the affected area helps reduce swelling 
  • Witch Hazel a natural coolant helps calm external spasms of the skin.
  • St Johns Wort a natural antiseptic
  • Plantain This contains allantoin, a proven healer for skin cells

Sunburn Gel/ Ointment Recipe:

4 tablespoons of Pure Aloe Gel or Juice
3 teaspoons of Organic Coconut oil
3 drops of lavender essential oil
2 tablespoons of Calendula Oil.
1 teaspoon of distilled which hazel

Take all ingredients except witchhazell and mix together in a blender for a few short blasts once the constancy thickens stop blending and add which hazel and mix in by hand very well. store in a glass jar. dark Colored ( if possible) and keep Refrigerated. 

If you would like a thicker consistency melt 1 oz. of beeswax and add it after you add witch hazel then wisk in thoroughly until it gets thicker.

The Power of Cayenne as a Medicine

Cayenne Pepper is a powerful medicine if used properly and responsibly. It can be used in emergency first aid and for Cold and Flu's and much more.

Cayenne Pepper as a Medicine

* Cardiovascular support; cleans the blood and stimulates the entire system. Helps clear blockages from arteries, veins and lymphatic system. Also stops bleeding and dissolves blood clots.
It is great in improving circulation; this is the best herb that increases your blood flow; very effective against Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD).
* Improves brain function; one of the most well-known effects is that of increasing blood circulation to the head- and brain area. Effective against cluster and migraine headaches
* Can stop bleeding extremely fast, immediately flush the wound with the tincture (1 - 5 full droppers) after this pack the wound with Cayenne powder.
* Improves circulation, and reduces or stop bleeding from stomach ulcers. When taken internally, it stimulates circulation. Used against indigestion and heartburn.
* Breaks up congestion and speeds healing of colds and flu.
* Used as a diaphoretic (sweat inducing-herb)
* Helps lower cholesterol and prevent blood clots: thins the blood (reduces platelet stickiness) and heals the heart after a heart attack.
* Alleviate sore throats and tonsillitis
* Provides far more vitamin C than citrus fruits, and is one of the highest sources available for this vitamin.
This is the most powerful Cayenne tincture available! It packs 300,000 heat units (Scoville units*); as Cayenne contains more heat units, the stronger the therapeutic action.

Tincture: 5 -30 drops (1/6 - 1 ml), 3 times daily 
Infusion: 2 - 3 times daily
Take with solid food

An infusion can be made by pouring a cup (250 ml) of hot water onto ½ - 1 teaspoon of Cayenne powder. Steep for 15 minutes.
Take 3 - 4 times daily. 
Drug interactions

Aspirin may interact with Cayenne.
It may increase the absorption of other medications.
Should not be used if people are taking ACE inhibitors or antacids

Herbal Hot Sauce

"Herbal HOT SAUCE"

Hot Sauce is a great thing to have on hand its good not only for adding flavor but it can even kill the bad taste of some foods. Medicinally, Its is good for Blood Circulation, Colds and Flus. It can also be used for Bartering.
God Bless,

The Recipe:

You Will need:

  • Chipolte pepers in adobo 
  • Tomato Paste
  • Lime Juice
  • Hickory Smoked Barbecue sauce or Regular Barbecue Sauce
  • Spicy Brown Mustard
  • Jalepenio Peppers
  • Cayenne Peppers
  • Apple Cider Vinegar 
  • Salt (to taste)

First cut a small hand full of peppers and deseed them, dice them up place in a non aluminum pot, pour apple cider vinegar s o it is just above diced peppers. add other ingredients and mix well bring to a slight boil then lower heat to simmer for thirty minutes. let cool then place in a blender or food processor and blend until the consistency is smooth pour through a strainer and bottle. 

5 Acres & A Dream: Goats' Milk Butter For Two

5 Acres & A Dream: Goats' Milk Butter For Two: Remember this photo from "Ziggy Milk, Ziggy Butter, Ziggy Mozz" ? Goat butter on freshly baked pumpkin muffin Farmer Ba...

Sleeping with an Onion?

Sleeping with an onion 

Or Sleep from an Onion shall I say!!!
So you've been trying to get a good night sleep but just cannot. Your all congested with hay fever allergies etc. and you are beat. But the question is will you do anything to get a good night rest. Yes, Then Get an onion cut it in half, place it on a dish and right next to were you will sleep. The onion odor will open your nasal passages while slightly cleansing them and purifying the air of unwanted bacterias and allergens. You will be amazed how well you will sleep with this solution. You will breath easier , Thus getting more oxygen throughout your bodies main systems, Respiratory, Circulatory, and Central Nervous System giving you a must restful sleep and when you awaken you will feel like you have never felt before after a good rested sleep like this.

Anti-Viral Herbs and Juices


Anti-Viral Herbs and Juices

Anti-Viral Herbs

Garlic:  This herb has powerful antiviral properties and can be taken raw, tincture, and as a supplement. it is also good for inflammation.

Ginger: This herb is good for the digestive system and is good for Nausea, Motion Sickness and is another Powerful antiviral herb making it an excellent choice for Colds, Flus, and Bronchitis and even pneumonia, can be taken as a Tee, Tincture or supplement and or even in a vapor bath will help open up congested nasal passages. due to its natural anti-inflammatory properties.

Astragulas: This Herb is great for rebuilding the immune system and also has antiviral properties. It can be taken as a tea, tincture, supplement.

Peppermint: This herb also work well in headaches. a bit of dilutes essential oil rubbed on the temples will help a simple or migraine headache. It to has antiviral properties and can be taken as a tea, tincture, or supplement or externally when using a essential oil.
Myrh: this herb used for thousands of years for its strong anti-septic properties also has properties that are antiviral and in combination individually and or collectively both antiseptic and anti-viral properties are powerful especially when used within the oral (mouth) region of the body.
Licorice: This herbs has anti-inflammatory properties and also helps rebuild the cellular walls of the Kidney, Liver, and gaul bladder. In addition it has antiviral properties and is used for sore throats from colds and flus.

Echinacea: this her is both a natural anti-bacterial, antibiotic and has some anti-viral properties and is mainly used to enhance the immune system when used internally. This herb can be used externally to treat infections such as staph and bacterial. It can be taken as a tea, infusion, concoction, tincture or
suplemental pill form.

Cinnamon: this her is antimicrobial and a natural anti-septic it is also has anti-inflammatory properties and it is said to help balance Sugar Levels. This herb due to it powerful natural antiseptic properties has anti-viral properties and it an excellent choice for fighting virus' internally as well as externally. This can be taken as a tea, Tincture or supplement.  Note to much of this herb can cause photosensitivity or irritation to the skin for those who have sensitive skin.

Oregano: This her is both Anti-biotic and anti-viral and poses a powerful punch against both Viral and Bacterial infection ion internally and externally This can be taken by ADULTS  CAREFULLY and under close supervision of a doctor if needed by children REMEMBER with this her "A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY".  It can be taken as a tea, infusion, concoction, tincture or diluted essential oil 1 drop of pure uncut oil to 2 oz. of carrier oil ( olive or grape seed oil)

Anti Viral Juices:

Apple: if taken immediately after juiced has anti-viral properties effective to fight a viral infection.
Lemon: Its high levels of vitamin C and anti-viral properties make it a potent drink to fight viral infections.

Lime:Its high levels of vitamin C and anti-viral properties make it a potent drink to fight viral infections. but shown not fully effective against E-Coli virus

Carrot: Carrot is a powerful rejuvenator of the Liver and due to it ability to aid and enhance the immune system will help with some viral infections also note this juice is high in beta caratine, and vitamins A, C, D and can also act as a mild laxative thus aiding a more consistent and even healthier Bowel Movement(s)

Crannberry: this fruit has anti-inflammatory properties and aids specifically the pancreas and gaul bladder and is strong specifically against urinary tract infections.

The New Herbal Survivalist Channel


The "Herbal Survivalist" Channel

Starting your own home Herbal Survival Shop

"Making the Survival Bar Step One"

The Survival Bar RECIPE

Nutrition Survival Bar Recipe
In order to successfully make this Recipe there are 2 stages
  1. Making the Puree
  2. Making the Nutrition Dough

Making the Puree is as follows
Juice 6 carrots
4 Red Delicious Apples
1 inch piece of fresh Ginger Root
a hand full of dandelion greens
2 Mangos

The consistency of this puree should be watery but will a thick consistency or body to it (this id from the Mango and mango pulp. feel free to use the pulp except for the dandelion greens only use 25 percent of them (due to the potency  especially to detox)

Making the Nutrition Dough:

You will need 3 cups of almonds to make your nut butter (the Base of the Nutrition Dough)
1 tablespoon of Organic Coconut oil ( this will help Bind everything Naturally)
1 tablespoon of Spirulina Powder
1 tablespoon of Chlorella Powder
1 tablespoon of Slippery Elm Bark  Powder
1 tablespoon of Bee Pollen Powder
1 tablespoon of Propolus Powder
1 tablespoon of Royal Jelly Powder
4 ounces of Fresh Carrot Juice/ Puree
1 cup of dried Fruit Bits 

Grind all 3 cups of almonds into a flour and use 2 cups for the dough recipe.( the other cup will be to tighten up the dough if needed as recipe progresses and flouring after the final kneed.
1. Mix all Dry ingredients then adding the Puree and Coconut oil Mix by hand and then kneed well. Incorporate The Pulps, Fresh Fruit Bits and Finnish kneading if dough is to wet add more almond dough or if you are short on almonds grind some quick oats to a coarse flour and that to will dry up and tighten up your Nutrition Dough.

  1. You can make your own almond flour by grinding the almonds in a food processor or blender I used my IOMEGA 8006 Nutrition Center juicer to do all of these steps in this recipe.
  2. You can make your own nut butter from the almond flour by adding the Coconut oil to almond flour and mixing in a heavy duty bender or food processor or even by hand.
  3. But we are taking a NUT Butter to a whole new Level of Nutrition
  4. Roll Out Floured Dough to about 1/4 to 1/2 in thickness and using a Biscuit cutter cut out patties from the dough place on a cookie sheet and let air dry Keep all extra dough on a plastic bag in a refrigerator to keep it moist. Enjoy!
Another Shot Of the Nutritional Dough Ball Completed and Floured
 The Final Product "Patties as you can se I have already began working on them 
 The Carrot Juice/Puree 

The Nutritional Dough Completed and Floured